All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: tongue weightI had one more question. I just went out to the TT to check the #'s again, my dry weight is 5620 lbs and Max weight the trailer can handle is 7600 lbs. I'm pretty sure you never want to tow with water tanks full, you hook up and dump if possible at the park. Now I know how fast weight can add up, but with a empty water tank and light on packing ( clothes, beer, water, food,bedding) how much weight can you really add as long as you are trying to stay on the light side? I think I would find it hard just to put 600 lbs of stuff in a trailer and even if I could that's 6220 lbs towing empty tanks. We decided not to dry camp already so we never have to haul a weighed down trailer and I have heard you can't always dump black/grey water at a campsite but can a black/ grey water tank really weigh close to 1300 pounds? Would it be best to order a tongue weight scale, load up the things I think I will need and weigh the tongue weight that way?Re: tongue weightok, got some numbers for you. As far as the gear ratio, they didn't tell me which one my Silverado has, they just told me that I'm rated for 9200. Now I just went out to the truck and looked at the hitch receiver and there was two sets of #'s, Hitch type/ max trailer weight/ max tongue weight ------------------------------------------------- weight / / carrying / 5,000 lbs / 600 lbs. -------------------------------------------------- weight / / distributing / 10,500 lbs. / 1,100 lbs Sorry, tried to make it as it appeared on the truck. So, if I'm reading this right, The hitch receiver can handle 1100 lbs with a wdh and 600 lbs without a wdh(tongue weight), is that correct or am I reading this wrong? Oh and to answer a earlier question. The truck is a 2008 LT, V8 5.3L, w/4 wheel drive, Crew cab, short bed. Again, thank you everyone for your help.Re: sway barsWell, as far as the size goes. I didn't know the length until I picked it up. My wife went and looked at it and decided to buy it. We do need somewhat of a bigger trailer for our kids, which is the main reason we got into this. I've been tenting it my whole life and we want to go camping again but with little kids it was either wait till their older or get a trailer.Re: sway bars@ opnspaces, Thank you for your help. I'm glad someone can relate how overwhelming it is being a total newbie and having all these opinions come flying at you. I opened a new thread a couple days ago because when I tried to order a Equal-I-zer online from tweety's and it asked me the tongue weight which I didn't know and posted on here and now I'm getting more confusing feedback. Not sure if you caught it but I traded in my Tahoe for a chevy Silverado 1500 which I was told numerous times can tow roughly 9200-9500 lbs. I welcome you to the new thread "tongue weight" for your input and anyone else that reads this. I have to say, if this gets anymore confusing I might have to sell the trailer and go back to sleeping in the dirt with a sleeping bag. Please help, I just want to get the right/safe set-up so I can take my family camping.Re: tongue weightOk, to answer a question, I towed this trailer home( about 30 mi.) with a Chevy Tahoe with nothing more then a 2 5/16 " ball on the back of a Tahoe and that's it. This was before I signed on to this forum. Knowing what I know now, that was very dangerous but considering I had no wdh with sway control it towed ok. I definitely won't be doing that again until the proper safety measures are taken. Now after that is said , my Wife and I started looking at trucks not only for the trailer but since I'm in the construction industry and trying to start my own business, we thought a truck would kill two birds with one stone. Before I go any further I want to point out that my trusted mechanic and fellow RV'er looked at the owners manuel for my previous Tahoe and the trailer and told me I could tow it, granted I was totally maxed out but I was within the capacity of my Tahoe. Now I was just at the dealership today to drop off some paperwork for the Silverado that we just purchased and they told me the Silverado was rated to tow 9200 lbs Max. and told me I was looking at the wrong gear ratio. I know I'm new to all of this and I have a lot of learning to do, but I did do some homework before I purchased this truck. I did ask several different credible people before this purchase and everyone assured me that I could tow this tt safely assuming the proper safety measures are taken ( wdh, brake control, etc). I understand towing such a vehicle without those things was very reckless on my part and there was a lot of ignorance in that situation. I have towed things before but never anything this big and I just didn't know about sway and a wdh and so on. But I can tell you I won't be making that mistake again. So back on subject, that is all the info I have at this point and I'm trying to get a proper setup to tow safely. Should I just play it safe and get the biggest made which is 1400/14,000 lbs and know that I'm covered or do I need to get a accurate weight? And I also want to state that any and all help is welcome and appreciated. Thank you.Re: tongue weight popupcamping wrote: There wasn't a WDH with the trailer? How did you get it home? off topic but you realize at almost 8000 lbs this trailer is over almost every limit on your truck Our truck is rated to tow 8500 lbs. I know there isn't much wiggle room there but the truck is rated to tow 1000 lbs over the trailer weight.tongue weightWe recently bought a 28' tt ( private party )and we are towing it with a chevy Silverado 1500. I'm trying to decide which wdh to buy to tow my trailer and everyone I look at is asking me what the tongue weight is and I have no accurate info on this matter. From what I have been reading the tongue weight is 10-15% of the trailer weight. The trailer weighs about 7600 lbs weighed down and about 5600 lbs empty (ball park). Can I just get a equalizer wdh rated for 1000/10,000 or if I oversize will it not fit/ not work correctly? Please help.Re: sway barsThank You everyone for your help. Just a update, as of yet I have not purchased anything for my trailer though I do plan to. Definitely not going to take it on the road until I purchase a wdh. We did trade in our Tahoe for a Silverado ( longer wheel base ) not just for the trailer but a work truck as well. Sorry I haven't been getting back to your posts, been a busy 2 weeks. But thank you again everyone for the help.Re: sway barsThank you for your help, the last thing I want to do is endanger anyone at anytime. I do want to educate myself on anything that may become a issue so I know how to handle a situation. Can you give me any ideas of where to start? I know to keep at a safe speed (55 mph) on the freeway at the most, give myself plenty of room to slow down/stop, I watched videos on how to handle a blow out. Any more suggestions? As I said, I want to be safe and I welcome any information on the matter.Re: sway barsThan you everybody for all your help, glad I signed up for this forum. Now, my next question is, I called a local RV lot to see what kind of weight distributing hitch they have and he said he doesn't stock them but orders them as needed and he can get me a EQUAL-I-ZER for $745 plus $150 install. My mechanic and good friend (also a rv'er) said I can order it and he'll install for me but he has a 5th wheel, never had to install before. Do I go with the over priced dealer or my mechanic?
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