All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: My new race car alternator for LiFePO4 batt bankNo troll here. Been on site since 2007. Yes the Rv place made a mistake and installed European converter and replaced it. What’s this got to do with alternator debate? What’s with all the attacks? Just wanted to post info on my new Lithium battery pack. As for the charge lwire from alternator, do not know. But never had a problem and previous owner had hitch in bed for towing so I assume it is substantial. Have never had a problem and new high output alt is working great with new batt Lith pack. If you want to debate this, fine, but name calling in not called for.Re: My new race car alternator for LiFePO4 batt bankWith high output race car alternator you do not need to be worried about too much output from it because that is what it is designed for. Will not burn out. Cannot overcharge and harm batt bank because the BMS(Battery Management System) stopes the alt from overcharging of the battery bank. Simple. Gives you the fastest charge available. DC to DC is useless and just slows down your charging.My new race car alternator for LiFePO4 batt bankAdded 4 100ah LiFePO4 in parallel to my TC. Truck is 94 Ford F-350 XLT crew-cab IDI 7.3 L diesel dually. Understand that these suck up juice so fast that ordinary alternator will burn out with this high draw. What to do? Other folks have this problem. Race cars, off road vehicles with banks of lights for night desert runs and ambulances with lots of medical equipment. Several manufacturers make high output alternators for this purpose. I checked with PowerMaster and Summit Racing who both said they had model to fit my truck and that it could handle the new battery bank. They have alternators for pretty much any year or model truck. Original alternator was 90 or 110amps. Not many amps needed back in the day, plus this one was at least 12 years old, so time to replace it anyway. Cost for high output alt is double at around $300 vs 150$. Alt delivered and note inside said it had been measured at 207 amp output. local garage installed it with no problems. Know that there are several ways to address problem, dc to dc etct To me they seem to restrict charging speed which is big advantage to these batts. Will this work? It should. Will find out. If I wind up on the side of the road I will let you know. Will be far from the bigger mistakes I have made in my 66 years.Europeon 220 converter used with N American truck alternatorHey guys, Recently had a new 55 amp converter installed in my TC for my new 4 100 amp hour lithium batts. They put in an European model by mistake that only takes the 220 used in Europe. not going to Paris any time soon. Until replacement comes in I know I cannot plug into 120 but was wondering ifthe alternator in my 94 f350 7.3 L diesel would charge batts in the meantime. Since Europe uses 12 volt batts I was thinking the converter would work with the Ford. Thanks much for any ideas.Re: $2 gal fuel? TOLD YOU SO DownTheAvenue wrote: retiredgeologist wrote: Just over two years ago I posted that $2 gal fuel could be coming. The moderator agreed this was a crazy political posting somehow and deleted the posting before I could defend myself. You have kept this bottled up for two years waiting for a chance to post? Good grief! Nothing bottled up here. I made my post two years ago claiming $2 gal fuel was coming related to new fracking technology. Nothing more to argue about at that time except to wait and see what old man time would bring and if the prediction was crazy and would never happen or was correct. I rest my case based on current reality.Re: $2 gal fuel? TOLD YOU SO languiduck wrote: Oh good grief, let this nonsense go already. Nonsense to you maybe, vindication for me.$2 gal fuel? TOLD YOU SONot to toot my own horn too loud. Just over two years ago I posted that $2 gal fuel could be coming. I linked to an oil industry trade journal showing potential huge price drops in fuel related to the fracking revolution. I was attacked by a whole host of rightwingers (You know who you are) calling this an absurd crazy posting meant only as a liberal posting somehow? related to the upcoming Presidential election. Really, a surprise to me. The moderator agreed this was a crazy political posting somehow and deleted the posting before I could defend myself. Just passed a station with $2.29 posted and sinking fast. Just sayin.Re: truck camper dealers in/near Indiana ?Check with Dewey's Auto Supply in Northern Indiana. They sell TravelLite TCs.Re: TC travels, 2014 TR, Pg 904, 2015 TR pg 964Sleepy, While in louisville check out the Falls of the Ohio State Park just across the river in New Albany. Has the largest exposed Devonian fossil reef in the world. The Frazier historical museum in downtown Louisville is great. Four floors of historical arms and more. The fourth floor is dedicated to exhibits from the London Armory they have a partnership with. Louisville Slugger museum is right across the street on Main St. Also you have the. Ky Derby Museum. The Frazier Museum is the must see. You will bei impressed. If headed to Frankfort you can jump off 64 and head south about half an hour and check out the Perryville Battlefield.Re: TC travels, 2014 TR, Pg 904, 2015 TR pg 964 sleepy wrote: On the road again... On the road again... Glory, glory... we are on the road again. We about killed ourselves preping and packing... all of those steps from the house to the camper and back for more. I absolutely refused to schedule an appointment of any kind for the month of October. I had some benign ugly cut off my face... the stitches were removed on the 30th of September... We left home on the 1st of October... with no destination. we spun a knifre and followed the point... We headed upthrough kentucky on US-27 passing through National parks and forests... the state parks are open. The leaves have a slight hint of color... We went through Bardstown, KY... whiskey and tourists.. we are in Louisville now... lots of fast food and not much of interest yet. We'll hang out another day... then north to indiana oreast to Frankfort KY... the State Capital. Any suggestions? No interest in campgrounds Thanks Sleepy (1011)
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