All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: To regulate or not to regulate?In the Army, there is a requirement that before a Soldier is allowed to ride a motorcycle, they have to attend a motorcycle safety class. I think that maybe offering a safety class when you purchase your RV would be helpful and stop some accidents from happening...but as we all know jackassery will always be present no matter how hard you try to stop it.Re: Beware of this scam while on the roadThank you to the OP for sharing your story. The reason Kingman, AZ is so bad is because it is one of the highest meth use/production areas in the U.S., I lived there only long enough to realize we needed to move ASAP.Re: Andersen WDHThank you all for your responses. I have an update, I picked up my TT this past Saturday, my DW and I started from scratch setting up our Andersen WDH. We leveled the trailer, took our measurements, set the hitch height, (the instructions say to set the ball a little higher than the coupler, but I had set it to where it was just about even because if I had used the next higher set of bolt holes it would have been 3" higher than the coupler), I adjusted the tension so the nose of the trailer was level and my TV front measurement was within a 1/2" of normal ride height. We drove the hour home and I must say that it performed very well, no sway, no porpoising and handled the big bumps very well. I can't wait to see how it performs on our 350 mile trip this weekend.Re: Michelin Tire Pressure RatingsI do not like standardized tables, I want specific information for the tires that I have. I don't use the Powerstroke diesel maintenance schedule for my Duramax even though they are both diesel engines and effectively operate in the same way. I am sure that there are people who feel the same as me so I wanted to share this information. If you do not want or need it that is fine also.Michelin Tire Pressure RatingsI recently contacted Michelin about getting a tire pressure to weight chart because I couldn't find anything on line. In case anyone else has the same tires, here is what Michelin sent me via email. We understand your concern for this matter, Randy. While we do not have a load chart we can link you to, we can provide you the load inflation information from our internal chart for your tire size. You can find it listed below. Load inflation information for size: LT265/70R18. 35 PSI = 1,960 lbs. 40 PSI = 2,155 lbs. 45 PSI = 2,340 lbs. 50 PSI = 2,535 lbs. 55 PSI = 2,690 lbs. 60 PSI = 2,860 lbs. 65 PSI = 3,085 lbs. 70 PSI = 3,185 lbs. 75 PSI = 3,345 lbs. 80 PSI = 3,525 lbs. If we can assist you further, please respond to this email or call us at 866-866-6605 (toll-free) between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST Monday through Saturday. Sunday 8:30am - 4:30pm chat only. We appreciate your business and thank you for choosing Michelin. Sincerely, Nicholas Consumer Care Department Certified Michelin Product Expert I hope this helps some of you. RandyRe: Andersen WDHThank you for all of your replies, I really appreciate them. RandyAndersen WDHI have a FR Wildwood Heritage Glen 299RE TT and I tow it with a 2018 Silverado 2500 HD Duramax CC. My question is, do any of you use the Andersen WDH? I read posts talking about the Hensley, Blue Ox, etc.. But I don't see many posts about the Andersen hitch. Thank you, RandyRe: Was retirement for you a good or not so good choice?I retire on May 28th, after 21 years as an active duty Soldier, I am so ready to slow down and enjoy our grown children (10) and our grandchildren (8 currently and 3 more due by December). I have been away from my Family way too much over the years and missed so many of our kids' milestones...I have a lot of catching up to do. My DW and I plan on traveling more, golfing more and fishing more. I can see how in the future I may look into some volunteer activities to keep engaged, but my career was never who I was nor did I let it define me. One door closes and another one opens, or two or three. I will say that I miss Soldiers and the friendships that I have made over the's just time time to eveolve those friendships and make new ones.Re: Post your tow vehicle pics here This is our new truck, 2018 2500HD DD, have only towed our TT to get some warranty work done. Looking forward to our first trip.Re: Axle Weight Rating VS GVWRThank you all for your responses. It's true what "they" don't have to be the smartest person in the room as long as you surround yourself the smartest people. So thank you for clarifying this for me. I totally forgot about the tongue weight being subtracted so thank you. I did pull all of the info from the data sticker on the trailer and again I thank you for reaffirming that point as well! Best Regards, Randy
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