All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Complete List of Toy HaulersThe Simba/Safari - Motorized for 2009 has changed models - It's list on their web site as COMPRESSION FD - three floorplans available - 38 SBD, 38 SBS, and 28 SKD. SAFARI Motorhome floorplans. JeffRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Sorry to hear about Old fella - I have been following your story for the past few years. You have to know that you gave him a much better life by going back to get him and giving him the love and attention that he so deserved. I lost my Boston Terrier in Jan and have not mustered up the strength to get another. I was having a very hard time trying to decide if I should make the long drive to the vet to have him put down. It was kinda weird but I had told the wife on Thursday night that I would take him on Saturday morning - He passed on Friday before noon. He knew how hard that trip would have been for me. I got him when he was a pup and he was 15years and4 months old. He was the very best dog I ever had. I have some great memories and pictures. Here's a link to a hard decision documenting my struggle to have him put to sleep. It was the same for us -- We are just now starting to put his things away and the healing is better now. We have a digital picture frame and the pictures of him come up form time to time and we get a good laugh and think of him and how enjoyable he was. Maybe now BoJoe and Old Fella are forever friends just over rainbow bridge. Best to you and Sue -- God Bless. Dixie Flyer wrote: This morning there was no leg to wrap, no paw to put a bootie on, no Old Fella to prepare breakfast for. Suzie is confused about where Fella is and keeps trying to figure out what is going on. I am at a loss as to how to deal with the void that is in our lives and would love to have things back the way there were. Fella is still all around me as I look at the booties and socks that are left behind and his bed in the family room and the bedroom that is empty. I can't find it in myself to move anything or put it out of sight just yet. One day at a time as Sue and I get use to life without Fella. Thank you for your words of comfort and thank you for letting us know just how many friends Old Fella had and still has. It helps to know so many care. Re: Pet Pictures - READ MY STARTING POST B/4 POSTINGThanks, I was facing a hard decision. I had just posted this thread Hard Decision to Make... when he passed away on his own. It happens to all of us sooner or later. Take Care, Jeff Jim102 wrote: VTX, Sorry to hear about your loss..... Beautiful dog.. Jim Re: Pet Pictures - READ MY STARTING POST B/4 POSTINGThis is my beloved Bojoe - He passed away on Friday of last week. He was a great dog. I highly recommend a Boston. They love to camp! Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Thanks for the replies. I have a Harbor Freight close by and sometimes get discount coupons. I may just wait until I get another coupon and check them out. How hard is it to add the 30amp plug if it is not "RV ready"? I know I could just use an adapter plug but it would be nice to have the plug on it, that's why I like the looks of the Champion.Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info. redrotor wrote: The Champion 3500 (4000 peak) generator on Checker Auto Parts website is $299. Is it cheaper anywhere else? The only other place I could find it to buy online is Cabela's (for $399!), but you can't pick it up in their store (have to ship). Product number is C46540, links as follows: red - Thanks for the link. I notice too Free shipping on Items over $50. That's a great deal. ON EDIT: Free shipping does not apply. Only on item less than 20lbs. Oh well. Thanks again.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}OK, I've been reading this thread for about a month and a half now. I thought everyone needed some cheering up. I never really made it all the way to the end I think I got about 90 pages read so far. Anyway, I wanted to post a few pictures of my little fur child. Well, I sometimes call him an "old fart" since he's 14 years old now. The wife calls him the baby of the family. I have to agree. I dressed him up in a cowboy out fit last year. He couldn't stand the hat but anyway here's the pics. He loves being under the covers. He sleeps in his bed at the foot of our bed and always likes being close to us. Re: 3000W Chinese Gensets Info.Ok, I'm new to this thread. I've been trying to catch up for most of the last 2 hours. I'm interested in buying a generator and I know it's been a year or more since this thread started. So...Can someone tell me what the overall feeling is on this? I noticed early on that most were buying from Pepboys and northern tool. I just looked at the northern tool site and I only saw a Coleman Proforce Generator — 5.5 HP, 3125 Watt, Gasoline, Model# PM010 for $299.99 plus it would cost me $95.95 shipping. Seems steep to me but.... Can someone update me as to the best deal going and where to buy? Thanks in advance.Re: Pet Pictures - READ MY STARTING POST B/4 POSTINGHere's a couple more of my Boston Terrier. He just celebrated his 14th birthday. first picture (800x599) resized to not exceed maximum 640x480 pixel size for an explanation, please see Screen resolution for pictures in textRe: Complete List of Toy Haulers KMPAUL wrote: I dont see It's there - Keep looking. Alhpa order under trailers and motorized.
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