All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard I had my older Doberman on Orijen for a while and she did very well on it (she has mild allergies). One vet said it had too much protein for her so I have taken her off - she was on the fish.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard, Peaches sure looks slim and trim these days. Enjoyed the picture of "Richard and his girls". Maybe Mama and Hobo could lose a few pounds or are they at a good weight? That look on Mama's face is just like the picture of Old Fella looking at you Richard. So good to see that they all get along so well.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Those eyes just melt your heart. What a sweet face. You would have to be in love with Sarah already. Thank you for taking such good care of her. Please check the choke collar as I think it may be on backwards and could accidentally choke her.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Here is my vote for what it is worth! # 1 has a beautiful face that looks more like Old Fella (from his picture as unfortunately I never met him) # 2 looks like a panther and as mentioned before the tail would be an invitation for someone to break it. # 3 is beautiful also and the body looks more like the picture of Old Fella and the sitting dog would probably look better in the park and should hold up better also. However, the decision should be your's and Sue's as you were the ones who loved him the most! I think everyone would want you to make the final decision. How much more $$ for # 3 ?Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Sue and Richard your are truly my heroes. May God comfort you at this time. This world is truly blessed to have people like you.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard, Did the swelling come up suddenly? My husband's Doberman, Cooper, was being treated for arthritis by our vet. When he eventually x-rayed it we found out he had bone cancer. However the swelling did not come up suddenly. Didn't Charlie have back leg problems? When did his front leg start bothering him? Poor guy - he looks so unhappy and most of the pictures of him are so happy. Hope the vet can get to the cause of his pain. Doberman loverRe: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard, John and I want to thank you for saving Rascal & Georgia. That is what a no kill shelter does and they deserve a good home as much as any of the other dogs you have saved. WE support you because it is a no kill shelter. Hopefully those who were for putting down these beautiful animals will have a change of heart. If not God will provide new workers for you. Just keep the faith. We are praying for you and all the animals that you save.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}ladymc53 My husband and I have traveled for years in an Airstream 28 ft with 3 dobermans and now have 2 plus a small dog. If you are determined not to take you dog of 8 years you might try They are a no kill shelter that will try to find someone to adopt your no longer wanted pet or will give him a home for life. Sure glad your children are grown. Good luck and safe travels.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard, You promised to send a current picture of Rusty when you returned from the rally. Do you have an update? He was such a sad looking boy due to the unknown horrors of his past life. I hope he only knows loving touches the rest of his life. Thanks so much for all the wonderful things you do for our four footed (and some 3 footed) friends. There will be a special place for you in heaven.Re: A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}Richard, Please be careful with toys that have squeakers in them. If Suzie swallows one of those she could become obstructed which would either kill her or require major surgery which is expensive. I know because one of our Dobermans was given a "Greenie" while being boarded at a kennel and obstructed. Final bill was $4,000 (Canadian). She survived the surgery. Our Dobermans are bad to chew most anything and I could give you a long list of what did pass thru! Now I only give them Kongs and large Nylabone chews and try to be careful about leaving things around. My male Dobe Cody has a leather fetish which has cost me a lot especially when he got in the closet and ate my Sheepskin coat. He will eat shoes, purses, leashes and almost anything that is leather. Especially likes leather books! Did the Doberman you had chew up things? Sue Hall