Hiswar: That was a casualty of the Alaska Highway between Beaver Creek (just inside the Canadian border) and Destruction Bay in Canada. We were going 35mph and the frost heaves in the road made it bounce just enough to cause this to happen to the to...
Hiswar, here is the link to the part of the forum where I posted photos and a description. Over a year on now and they are still working great.http://forums.goodsamclub.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/23729010/gotomsg/27693865.cfm#27693865 Hisw...
I made my own stabilizers and they made a HUGE difference when we are all setup. With 4 people walking around it really firmed up the trailer. I was very impressed with how much it helped. I can't speak to the SteadFast ones personally, but the co...
I have a 31bhpr, and it really squats the rear end of my 2005 Excursion. It drops the ball 3 3/4" inches when the trailer is attached (without my equalizer brand distribution hitch attached). Even with the distribution hitch attached I have quite t...
carjocky wrote:Possibly the torsion bars to tight? I just can imagine unless they were cracked that out of the blue with it not overloaded it would just bend like that. That is some thick steel.I had wondered about that, but I use the equalizer brand...