All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Generator maintenance questions wa8yxm wrote: Check a marina.. Some of them may still sell real Gasoline.. (I do not know) I knwo here in GA "Marine gas" is booze free and costs much more. NOTE: the use of Alcohol in Gasoine is a political issue and thus I will not post my opinion of it here. Thanks CA, I don't think I can get ethanol free gas even at our Marinas!!Re: Generator maintenance questions csamayfield55 wrote: The easy answer is read your manual and see what is says. Personally if my equipment is going to sit for any more than a month I either put in Sta-Bil or Seafoam. Both seem to be good. Does the Yamaha have an oiled filter or paper?? I thought paper but I was just assuming. It should tell you what to use in the manual Chris Thank you, Chris. I will read through the manual when I receive it, before doing anything. I just wanted to have my supplies ready so I can prep it when it arrives. This generator has an oiled foam filter. TucsonJim wrote: I have had the same Honda generator for 11 years now. Here are some things I do. -Change the oil every year. -Change the spark plug every other year. -Clean the air filter every second time I fill the fuel tank. - Add StaBil fuel conditioner to the fuel each and every time I fill it up. This is probably overkill, but it's easy to put the generator away and forget to treat the fuel which will eventually go bad. Stabil will protect your fuel for a year or more. -Shut off the fuel lever and run the generator out of fuel if it won't be used for more than a month. This will run the carburetor out of fuel and prevent gum-up. This is really important if you don't use a fuel conditioner like Stabil. Jim That is very helpful...thank you! I will try this routine. I guess my biggest question is should I use the YAMAHA FUEL MED RX (which Yamaha says to use the Fuel Med RX for in-use fuel that will remain in for 60 days or less. Or will that not be adequate. I had planned to use AC power at home for the battery charger, but maybe it makes more sense to use the generator so that I can cycle through fuel a little faster. Thanks! -DavidGenerator maintenance questionsHi all, I just ordered my first generator (Yamaha EF2000IS) and am getting prepared to get it ready for use. I am a little lost in terms of fuel additives. I am in California, so my only option is fuel with ethanol (dammit). I will mainly be using this generator to charge battery packs at the RC airfield, so I don't see going through gas that quickly. I am not yet sure if I will just fill it at the gas station when necessary or have a gas can with spare fuel. Either way, I will probably use it several times a month, but will likely not go through a tank each month. SO, how best to protect the internals? My Yamaha generator comes with a bottle of Yamalube oil and YAMAHA FUEL MED RX. Is the Med RX enough to protect? Or do I need a storage stabilizer like Yamaha Fuel Stabilizer & Conditioner PLUS? And lastly, do you recommend using foam filter oil or just plain motor oil? Any help is greatly appreciated as this is my first generator and I am very new with all this!! Certainly don't want to ruin my brand new engine! Thank you, DavidRe: Generator assistanceHi all, I think I have decided to purchase a Yamaha EF2000ISv2. I love the Honda, but really like the idea of the fuel petcock and gas gauge. Does anyone here have any recommendations as to where I should purchase from? Any retailer recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, DavidRe: Generator assistance magbarn wrote: Also, make sure your power supply is at least putting out at least 28+ volts. I adjusted mine via a variable resistor in the power supply. Any lower and your genny will cycle in rpm constantly near the end of the charge as the charger will have alternate between boosting and dropping the voltage as its near the max voltage of the battery. Thank you for the info, magbarn! The charger case I am going with has a 24v power supply built into it. Is that going to be an issue? Thanks, DavidRe: Generator assistanceI have seen most for an electric switch and a fuel line cutoff valve. Which do you recommend?Re: Generator assistanceI dont see an easy way to run the carb dry on my eu2000i. Any suggestions? I am new to generators, so I dont want to have to mod it too much. Thanks!Re: Generator assistanceHi all...the filters in this generator are super clean, but not sure if they used any sta-bil (or other stabilizer) in the fuel. Would you recommend emptying and refilling with new gas? I will be changing oil and checking the spark plug.Re: Generator assistanceThank you, Robert! So I make sure I am looking at the right thing, is it the number that starts with EAAJ?Re: Generator assistanceHey all...question for you. I have the opportunity to pick up a used Honda eu2000i for $600. He said it is in perfect condition minor scratches, no problems. About 6 months old with few hours on it. Would you do it? As I mentioned, I am totally new to this so want to make sure I am not making a mistake. Thanks! -David