All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: No water pumpFinally got all figured out. Bypass handle plate must be wrong relative to valve. Marked it on wall. Thank you all for advice.Re: No water pumpLast year was first year doing this, no issues (other than searching forever for valves). Thought this year would be a piece of cake. PO had told me to put a soda bottle in filter canister to reduce volume, no prob last year, apparently this year the bottle blocked flow causing this prob. Lesson learned. Once I figured this out turned pump on and it ran…and ran…and ran. I Finally turned it off, went outside and saw dripping from water heater. I have valve handle vertical, pointing to bypass but af was going into water heater. Shouldn’t this valve divert from wh? Will I need to drain everything again to run water through wh? Thanks again for help.Re: No water pumpPump under bed, couldn’t reach, had to remove board it is mounted to to access from cubby. Bypassed pressure switch, pump runs, much quieter than before, does not shut off but still no af coming out of any faucet. Rv is level, both pump switches work to turn pump on. I do see a drip coming from pump when on. From pressure switch being bypassed?No water pumpBegan winterizing today. Same process as last year. Opened tank and low point drains. Drained water heater. Removed filter, closed w.h. bypass valve, closed tank and low point drain valves. Dumped 5 gal af into tank. Started pump, ran for a few seconds as usual and stopped. Went outside to turn on o.s. shower, nothin. Went back in, pump off. Turned it back on and now have no pump. Fuse good, pump switch light comes on but no pump whatsoever. Any ideas? Thank you. 2009 Fleetwood Pulse, sureflo pump.Re: No water pressureNailed it, sediment screens. Thank you.No water pressure2009 fleetwood pulse, dewinterizing. Drained holding tank and low point valves. Filled tank half way, turned pump on pumped up pressure and stopped. Flush toilet pump and water run. Turn on shower, hot and cold, pump and water run. Turn on either sink, pump runs about 1 second, stops, no pressure to either faucet. Anyone have any idea as to cause?Re: Oil changeThank you all for help. I stayed with the 5w-40, ordered the liqui moly from rock auto as it is listed in both the mb 229.51 and newer mb 229.52 specs. For some reason shipping dropped to 10 bucks from 25 so that helped. Happy trails!Re: Oil change2008 sprinter with the om642 3.0 turbo diesel. In as much as this is 14 yrs old, the oils listed in manual are no longer even produced so I am using the bevo chart recommendations. The mobil 1 euro car is not listed for this engine. The manual doesn’t give a specific weight recommendation, just choices based on ambient temp usage. It confuses me because the only change is at the low temp, all from 0w-30 to 20w-50 show the same upper temp range. So what’s the point in the differences? Like I said, I must be over thinking it, I guess either the 30 or 40 will work equally as well.Oil changeI’ve read a million posts, am I over thinking this? My sprinter calls for mb 229.51 oil spec. P.o. Used pentosin hp 2 5w-40. It is no longer available in 5w-40. In fact, I can’t find 5w-40 locally, would have to order. The new 229.52 spec can also be used but they have even fewer at this weight. I see all kinds of recommendations for Mobil 1 esp 5w-30. I live in upstate n.y. But rv is not used in winter, buttoned up oct. and not started since. I read it is better to leave sit than to start up if you can’t take out for 35 miles or so. Why are all the mfg getting away from 40 weight? For this rv only used in summer it would seem that 40 would be beneficial but everything seems to be going to 30 recommendation. I can get the Mobil 1 esp 5w-30 locally, if I want to stay with 5w-40 I would have to order liqui moly from rock auto with an extra 25 bucks for shipping. Is everyone going to 5w-30 even for hot weather use?Re: Aux battery lightWith ac power unplugged, aux battery power turns on and off. With ac power plugged in, aux battery light stays on, will not turn off.
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