All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsWhere to I get this window spring?I have been looking all over and can't find a place that sells this spring. There is one on each side of the torque bar. The springs, bar and the bearing all fell out in Nebraska. :M Re: Can a car stereo be mounted at an angle?I have mounted them straight up and down even with a CD and the CD still plays. If you aren't worried about the CD, the radio can be mounted in any position.Re: waxing grapihcsI have been waxing my graphics for years....on everything that has graphics. They are made of the same stuff that car pin striping is, have you ever seen anyone avoid putting wax on those?Re: Tires...why do rv tires blow apart so bad? skipnchar wrote: When you have a flat on your car you KNOW it's flat immediately but with a trailer you might tow it for miles and never know it's flat until you see debris flying. People OFTEN then believe they just had a blow out when they may have had a gradual leak and just towed on until it self destructed. This would get my vote. I don't buy the argument about where they are made for a second. People that talk that talk are just parroting what they heard from another mis-informed person.Re: Roadtrip Nation RV burns to the ground on highway!! rockhillmanor wrote: They pull over get out and in nano seconds it's burnt to the ground. Hardly.
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