All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsMacerator and Drop-InsAlways learning at this RV game - Couldn't figure out why I kept having to clean my macerator so much and finally realized what I was cleaning off the blades was the plastic remnants of the drop-in chemicals for my black tank. I guess I assumed the plastic just degraded when in water for a week+ but I guess not. Definitely switching to liquids or powder packets now.Re: Who would of guessedFoxworthy explains it here: Your Hoses!!Disclaimer: Don't read this while eating So, I talk my buddy into getting a macerator system so he can dump through a standard hose and he's been doing so and loving it. The problem is my buddy is somewhat irresponsible and left the hose lying in front of his house and drove in a couple days ago to find the guys painting his house had it hooked to the hose spigot and were drinking from it!! Now, in his defense, the hose was coiled up around the sewer cleanout in front of his house nowhere near a hose bib but still. So far the painters haven't keeled over and are showing up to work but we'll see how long that lasts. I don't think I'll ever be able to drink out of a hose again :SRe: Great Tow Capacity - Bad Payload Capacity... Increase PL?I believe it was around 2016 that the RAWR on the 2500s went from 6500# to 6000#. Check your door sticker to be sure. My 2014 has 6500# but I know the newer ones are 6000#.Re: Waste/Sewage System dougrainer wrote: RV Holding tank chemicals are NOT for making it smell better. They are used the BREAK DOWN the solids. Doug I'm no expert on the matter and am not saying you're wrong.... but, if you're right, why do all the chemicals come with varying scents if they are not intended to mask smells?Re: Water Pump Keeps Running ReneeG wrote: Thanks for following up and letting us know. So often we don't hear back. I think that's because people don't want to admit to feeling dumb.... I'm so used to it that it's like second nature :)Re: Water Pump Keeps RunningFigured it out and feel pretty dumb. I relocated the city water connection to the back of the RV for ease of connecting and when I first changed the pump it was hooked up (but house hose off). Today I had unhooked the hose and it was spraying water back out my new hookup. I'm now assuming there must be an anti-backflow valve at the stock city water connection. The odd thing is the old pump was doing the same thing long before I moved my city water hookup (this is why I swapped the pump). Anyway, all is well.... for now. Thanks for the replies everyone.Water Pump Keeps RunningI've researched the net and tried all the easy stuff and have had no luck figuring this out. I spend most of my time hooked to city water and don't have a leak. When I switch to my tank the pump just runs constantly. I replaced the pump and the same thing happens. Prior to replacement the pump would cycle every couple hours which I thought could be related. A lot of articles I'm finding talk about a pressure switch but isn't that part of the pump that I replaced? 2016 Keystone Hideout 5th wheel, pump is a basic Flojet with the blue slide/clips to attach the lines.Re: [SOLVED] Work truck with service bed to tow a fifth wheel?Yeah, get rid of the boxes and go flatbed and you would be pretty well setup. Regular cab can be a comfort "challenge" though. No room to slide your set back and no storage behind you. It will get the job done but it will feel like you're driving a Uhaul truck.... everyday.Re: 2022 Toyota Tundra Reveal FishOnOne wrote: I can't find the words to describe this thing. :E I'm sure the most objectionable part is the lack of a Ford emblem :) :) I agree it's a bit startling but I can see it growing on me. It kind of has the look of a kid's toy truck. Also, let's all keep in mind the true benchmark for ugly is that electric thing coming out soon.
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