All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: 20' KeyStone Hideout Mach15 dripping inside...I don't believe it froze over cause it only lets water out while it's running. We have let it set a couple hrs it spews water right afterwards.. now that I've done more research, it's most likely a stopped up evap drain tray or possible a cracked drain tray (worst case scenario)Re: 20' KeyStone Hideout Mach15 dripping inside...I assume the drain is clogged i was going to pull the cover off and look, but i don't feel comfortable digging too deep. But no ladder at the moment, my mistake I had always assumed they come with one & didn't realize ours didn't have one built onto it, lol.20' KeyStone Hideout Mach15 dripping inside...Best solutions for this problem? I did a quick search on mach 15 leaking inside trailer and didn't find anything. Just woke up today with the floor all wet & a/c dripping on the inside, it's a 2020 hideout with very little road time. Thank youRe: Generator hooked up efficiency ?Yes the Rv's onboard converter I meant to say. I was just referring to it like is it a large 'vampire' draw? Also the gen. inverter is a 4000/3500 Close to 30 amp maximum concurrent amperage draw. My trailer is a 50 amp, but has gas only water heater & no second a/c installed (although supposedly plumbed for one). From my calculations I should be able to run most things with it except possibly the mach 15 top mounted a/c. IF in the heat of summer during a possible outage I would have 2 small window mounted a/c's (again we are full timers due to cirucumstances out of our control at the moment & travel trailer was our only option for the time being). I guess mostly it will be a unplug this & turn that on game worst case scenario.Generator hooked up efficiency ?I have a 2020 hideout (full timers) I'm trying to prep for no power situations. If I was to plug up a 4500 watt generator inverter to the rv's main power hook up with the right adapters, would it bog down the generator like vampire & run gen at high load all the time? Does the rv's inverter eat up electricity?questions about summer heat southeast tx & full timingWe are full timers due to economic circumstances. We are tied into a home. Our energy prices are about 13 cents a kw. Our rooftop a/c is a mach 15k btu. In from about late june till late september we get hot 95+ degrees everyday with high humidity. The rooftop a/c is basically junk, we sit at about 85 degrees inside the trailer until it get's dark with just the roof top a/c going. Last summer we installed a window unit 8000btu in the master bed & a portable a/c in the bunk house (seperate room) our light bill was over 200 every month pushing some months to $260. I added it up if our roof top a/c runs 10+ hours we are pushing+ $100 on that item alone... this year we are adding a more efficient window unit to the bunk house & getting rid of the horribly not efficient a/c. We are in a 2020 keyston hideout all our windows have reflective insulation & insulating black out blinds... I don't know what else to do to bring down costs.Problem with master closetsWe are new Rvers & what is the solution to get the doors to close with hangers in the tiny closets on each side of the bed? All of the hangers we have tried won't allow the door to close. IS there a specialty hanger? or anything?Re: Mach 15 a/c not cooling wellI've got a a/c guy coming out next week to check everything over. If this is normal it's not right. by 1030am is is pushing 80 degrees in the trailer today it got up to 88 with the outside heat index of 106 the actual air temperature was 98. The actual vent temperature is around 73 degrees.Re: Mach 15 a/c not cooling wellIt is not the most expensive model out there but it is a keystone hideout 338lhs 2 slides. A rear slide in a separate bunkhouse bedroom, and a living kitchen slide. It is wired for a second a/c but our budget won't allow at this time.Re: Mach 15 a/c not cooling wellWell thanks everyone this is what I was afraid of. I feel it should be able to cool off a relatively small area, but the vent temp is too high. I guess the a/c being on the roof in direct sunlight is bad.. Unfortunately we are full timers with little say on shade & the future move isn't looking any better either.. Looks like we will check out the slide toppers to see, what they can offer. Thanks
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