All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Before a scheduled surgeryWell I can now say that AirForums will guide you regardless of the subject ! I absolutely concur with Go Dogs advice !Re: Transmission Temperature - 2009 T&CSee if THIS LINK HELPSRe: Do I really need a Dually?In addition to All of the previous comments you will appreciate that extra TORQUE if you purchase a diesel however downside to that is gas vs diesel fuel/gal there are tradeoffs eithe way you goRe: Do I really need a Dually?I currently own a 2009 F-350 DRW and carried an Arctic fox 990. I added Air Bags, Roadmaster Sway Bars and Torklift Stableloads and it handled very nicely I can not comment on a SRW and while yes it will haul the 990 you have much better control with the DRW rig. Your talking about 5000 + pounds there so the more stability you have the better.Re: TC travels, 2014 TR, Pg 904, 2015 TR pg 964Chet, Sorry to hear of your little detour in the road, I wish you a SPEEDY recovery JohnRe: Photo Thread - Post a Photo of Your Truck Camper HereWe Love It !
GroupsTravel Trailer Group Prefer to camp in a travel trailer? You're not alone.Mar 05, 202544,027 Posts