All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: gun laws in New YorkAmazing that Americans need to have a gun to leave the front door of their home no matter where they go.Re: Won't start, step funky, recliner slow, light blinksHI When I expand your battery picture it is obvious they have not been cleaned or serviced for a long....long time. Each battery by itself...needs to read 12.0 volts or more to be effective. Suggest you clean all the connections with wire brush and check the water in each of the cells. If that is good charge them and try again to start and probably all will be good. Make sure your battery disconnect switch is in the ON position after you have the batteries charged.Re: Fleet wood Bounder 35KHave an 2008 Bounder 38 N. Of six motorhomes....first one without leaks.We experienced the SC downpours and flooding last Oct. in Myrtle Beach and we were one of few that did not have a drop. Sounded like a pressure washer on the roof for 24 hours. The entire unit has been great.....not only dry.Re: hot water runs hot then coldDo not repair or replace it. They are a disaster and useless. Just remove it out of the plumbing and go direct. We did this 6 years ago and never a problem.Re: liquid balanceI have had liquid in my new Hankook tires (22.5 inch) for 3 years and they are perfectly balanced all the time. Not a quiver.This material is also freeze proof at all temps. Would do it again.Re: 2002 Bounder Diesel front end clunkHi, I have had the same issue on both my FL chassis motorhomes. The problem lies in the rollers that push the shoes into the drums. The drums need to be removed and the actuator rollers cleaned and lubricated. Google "FL BRAKES" and it shows them. Suspension bushings are never the issue. I have done it myself both times and the hardest part is removing the wheel. There are no hydraulics or fluids to worry about. Good luck and let us know how you make out please.Re: String sizeHI I have repaired many for friends....very easy to do. Use a good kite string.....100lb test is fine. Good luckRe: 2003 WinnebagoSuggest you walk away from this one. My cousin had an 05 one and many rust issues including windshield leaks due to rusting steel frames they are mounted in and not repairable. Leaky windows and resulting rotting sidewalls below them. Be careful.Re: Water pump not operatingHi Try one more thing when the switch is ON. Gently tap the pump with a hammer.It may be STUCK from not being used for a while. Had this once and solved it. Hard water will do that. Mine also has a fuse AT the pump as well as in the fuse panel.Re: Water pump not operatingIs the pump running but not delivering water? If that is the case check to make sure your outdoor shower is OFF..closed.