All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: dinette.We remodeled our bench dinette to a U-shape by adding a 3rd bench/storage bay and a pedestal socket for a small table made from scrap plywood. The expanded seating and storage is nice, but the table is SMALL with a capital S. With just the two of us it's not bad, but it's not a great setup for (adult) guests. Small kids might have an easier time of it, but I have no experience there.Re: Propane overfill by a "professional" How did the fellow know to shut off the flow at 7.6 gals? Spitter valve. I don't get it. After the first time he filled it incorrect, I'd never go back. Final! That's it! Why did you keep going back? Why not complain to his manager? But why blindly let him keep doing it? Hardly blind, my friend! Frankly, he's never managed to get quite so much propane into these tanks before. 7.0, 7.1, a little over but not enough to be scary. "Only one last straw", like I said. What I'd do is put that tank in service NOW, use it to heat water and the RV while you are packing to move, by the time you are on the road you should be good. Aye, it's been running the furnace, keeping the rig defrosted until we're ready to roll. It's well below 80% now. NOTE: there is an alternate method for telling when a portable tank is full that works well. SCALE THE THING. Hmm. I've always bought propane by volume, never by weight. They just don't do it that way out here in the west -- I gather that it's more common back east. Here, most stations don't even have a scale. I've only seen one exception, and that was a rusty old beam scale made in the 1930s. A nice collector's piece, really. It's a good thing you put professional in quotes. I attended a formal course by the state of FL for dispensing propane but didn't have to. Most places you only need one certified person for every 8 or 10 dispensers. The non-certified folks usually get a 5 minute briefing on how to do it, then they're turned loose on live customers. When I was a kid, I worked at a gas station that also sold propane. My total training was the owner doing a show-and-tell with me a couple of times, and then I was a genuine propane pumpin' professional! At least I had the brains to say "I don't know how to fill this" when someone brought me a weird-looking tank I'd never seen before. (Which I now recognize as a liquid-service forklift cylinder, but at the time....) So the question came up once already. Did he charge you for more propane than was supposed to be put in the tank? As noted, it's sold by volume here. Paid for what I got, got what I paid for, and made good use of it.Propane overfill by a "professional"Looks like I'll be shopping for a new local propane guy. Which I should have already done, but there's only one last straw. I took one of my 30# cylinders down to fill from dead empty. This genius somehow managed to cram 7.6 gallons into it. By my math, that's about 88% capacity. Did I mention we'll be taking this tank from northern Utah (temps 10s-20s) to southern Arizona (40s-70s)? I have a plan to drain the tank down some before we travel, but sheesh. I guess this guy was taught that horizontal-use cylinders are also filled in the horizontal position, so that's what he does. Never mind the big bright label that says "FILL IN VERTICAL POSITION ONLY", which I've pointed out to him a few times. His way must be the right way, 'cause you can get 'em more fuller, right? I'm beginning to wonder if there's a licensing body that would like to hear about this....Re: Lance Wiring QuestionsYep, likely for the generator starter motor. Mine has 4 gauge.
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