All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: VIDEO: Installing an AC Coolingstat for temperature controlI have a Lance 1191 and, without looking at the make/model of the A/C at the moment, my fan DOES cycle off with the compressor depending on what my thermostat is set for. On 'auto' mode, the fan cycles off with the compressor when the set temperature is reached. If the t-stat is set to 'hi' or 'low', then the fan stays on that respective setting regardless of the compressor on/off cycling. My A/C is not ducted.Re: Replacement Lance Marker/Clearance lights?Call Lance directly and ask for their parts dept. I lost the three-light center marker light on my 2004 Lance and they knew exactly what I was talking about when I called and sent me out an exact replacement right off. It was a bit pricy ($30) but worth it to me to have a match. I've also ordered other parts through them as we'll as replacement Filon sheets for a couple of wing rebuilds. They have been great with me but I did have to call a couple of times to finally get a live person. Good luck.Re: Tow Dolly or car haulerI have the exact same extension and have no problems towing a dolly with a car..... Have towed several thousand miles with the above set up and only had a sticky brake on the car dolly that, once adjusted properly, resolved the issue. I now flat tow.... I used the same Reese extension with no issues. I have towed a small, single axle motorcycle trailer as well but I used a WD hitch on the extension. No issues with that but only towed a couple of hundred miles.Re: Lance front marker light questonYes, they are pop riveted on. I had to replace the center front marker light on my 2004 Lance 1161 and had to drill out the pop rivets from the base (the lens and light assembly broke and blew off somewhere on the road). I ordered a whole new light assembly from Lance and secured it back on with slightly larger pop rivets (and plenty of caulking - both in the holes and around the lamp.) Everything is still on the camper today and working just fine. I have popped the covers off of the two other marker lamps on the front of the camper as well (the ones on the left and right) and I believe they are pop riveted on as well. I removed the covers to clean inside and re-caulked after putting them back on.2011 Lance 1191 Power TransferI recently upgraded TC's from a 2004 Lance 1161 to a 2011 Lance 1191. My 1161 had an auto transfer switch and when the generator was fired up, the switch would transfer AC power source to be from the generator. When connected to shore power, the switch fed AC power from the shoreline to the system. On the 1191 I also have a generator but that feeds power to a receptacle in the rear sewer dump compartment that I have to plug in the coiled up power cord that is also stored in that compartment in order to feed generator AC power to the camper. Anyone that has the same set up would probably agree that this is a pain to do as the compartment is somewhat small and the placement of the generator outlet is such that I have to strategically route the cord around the black water dump valve. I nearly (accidentally) opened the black water valve when performing this procedure once! I am surprised at this set up from Lance on one of their top of the line campers - that they have placed electrical components in a "wet" compartment. I have looked around behind a set of four drawers in the coach on the back wall and there is room to place an automatic transfer switch behind there and still be close enough to route the generator AC power to it. I am then thinking of removing the power cord all together from the "wet" compartment and adding a Marinco 30 amp twist lock receptacle on the back of the camper and feed my shore power from that. This would require me to then have an RV cord with a 30 amp plug to go into the receptacle and I would have to unplug it and store it in another compartment when not in use. I made this type of a mod on my 1161 and it worked out great. This would take all power connections away from a wet area and would also allow an automatic transfer of generator AC power when the generator is running and alleviate having to manually plug in a cord to a behind-the-scenes outlet supply from the generator. Has anyone done this type of mod before and could tell me the pros and/or cons of doing it? I am well versed in electrical work and, electrically speaking, this is a very easy job for me to DIY. I am looking at the PowerMax 30 amp automatic transfer switch and a Marinco brand 30 amp receptacle and Marinco brand 30 amp twist lock plug with the weather boot.Re: Do I need to register and get insurance on my truck camper?A few years ago my neighbor's tree fell on my camper in my yard while off my truck. Camper was totaled. I had a separate policy on my camper to cover collision and comprehensive. This policy covered the totaled camper with an agreed payout by insurance company. I asked my insurance company about my homeowners policy covering any of the damage and (in the fine print) they told me that my homeowners would have only covered up to $3000 damage, to include any other damage/clean-up that needed to be done. Also, as mentioned above by the poster that contacted GEICO, my insurance company told me that my truck insurance only covers liability as the camper is "cargo" under that policy but if I were to have a wreck and damage my camper while on the truck, the separate camper policy would cover any claim. My premium at the time was only $68.00/year for the comprehensive and collision so well worth the added security. I now pay about $200/year for the same coverage but I also have a newer camper... Registration, on the other hand, is a topic that varies state by state so no one answer will cover that question... check with your state's motor vehicle department/registry.Re: Used TC purchase in Colorado?Check the Colorado Secretary of State UCC filings web page. When one obtains a secured loan on a vehicle (my credit union considers any RV a "vehicle") but it is not title-able - either there isn't a title for it or it is older than the states requirement for a title - the bank/lender files a "UCC Statement" with the states Secretary of State. This "statement" is in effect a "lien" on the vehicle and is only authorized to be released when the loan is satisfied and paid off. One thing the lender (in my case, anyway) didn't tell me was that this was not automatically done once my loan was paid. I had to send in proof that the loan was paid and the Secretary of State's form for release - oh, and the $25.00 fee of course - in order for the UCC filing to be released. That is how it works in my home state and I found the above web address for Colorado and I believe it is the same or similar there. Good luck on you new purchase!!!Re: License plate on Truck? or camper (with overhang)?So I'll start by saying that I am an active duty law enforcement officer with 27 years under my belt (7 more to retirement!) and hold the rank of Deputy Chief. I've spent many years on the road in various patrol functions, right through patrol sergeant and shift commander. Also, just about all of the responses I have seen in this thread are from the "left" coast. I am in Vermont and there are not many TC's here on the "right" coast and my response is based in part on the law (Vermont's law), part common sense, and partly my own past practice. I also ran this question by several deputies in my department to see how they would handle it and got pretty much the same response from all of them. It appears obvious from the varied responses that different states have different requirements. Wash. State issues plates for TC's. Some, including Vermont, do not. Some, it appears, require the plates to be on the truck; no exceptions. The argument of the TC is cargo seems logical, however what other truck cargo has clearance and/or marker lights, tail light/directional signals, and in most cases, plate illumination lights and two screws that line up with license plate mounting holes as well as an extensive "tie down" system beyond ratchet straps. The law in Vermont, while not specific about tc's, is more silent about what would be required but I nor none of my deputies would be drawn to a TC WITH the plates attached to the TC and clearly visible. Their view (and mine) is the intent of a registration plate is to be visible and common sense would dictate to move the plate if there is a spot for it on a TC. As for me, I move my plate every time and carry an appropriately sized nut driver in the door pocket to do so. It takes about a minute or less to do so. As for photocopying a plate, that would be a no-no. Under Vermont law that would be a form of "counterfeiting" and a potential "display of plate" violation. As for out-of-state vehicles - in Vermont (and I imagine most other states) the TC's home state laws would apply. For example, in some states, vehicle inspections are not required. In Vermont they are. An out-of-state vehicle without an inspection sticker WOULD NOT be ticketed in Vermont for no inspection as their home state does not require it. I don't think there is one solid answer to this question as it is open to much interpretation by law enforcement all over the country... Good luck and happy TC'ing!Re: Are You Truck Camping This Labor Day?Saco KOA in Saco, Maine, near Old Orchard Bach. Beautiful weekend forecast and time to dig the toes into the sand!!Re: Lance service dept infoI have had great luck and great service from calling them direct. I have ordered several parts from them in the past. Shipping is a bit high but they have always come through with what I needed. Twice I have needed a piece of filon for wing repairs and they have come through for me.
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