since ‎May-03-2009

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It's time to look into upgrading my audio/video in the main cabin.Coach is a 2008 monaco knight 40skq.It's a reversed layout front kitchen model.The TV is on the back wall, above a fireplace.Sat receiver and DVD/surround sound player are up front ove...
My front zone seems to have come up lame. (rear zone works perfect)This is a 5 button dometic duo-therm, controling a pair of 15k dometic a/c - heat pump units, and a pair of propane furnaces.RV is a 2008 Monaco Knight.Last time the front furnace was...
Monaco Knight 40skq, tripping one of the GFCI's.The circuit is one of the inverter circuits. It has 2 load cables attached. One of them made the old GFCI buzz and blow.New GFCI don't buzz, still blows, after 10 or 15 minutes.The effected load powers:...
Our dash a/c (Evans) stopped getting cold. It all works, blows air and puts it in the right place, gets warm when I ask for heat, just don't get cold on a/c.I verified that the water valve moves properly.I crawled under and saw that the a/c compresso...
We have seelevel sensors on our Monaco, I put them in in 2012. Most recently, maybe 2 months, the gray tank sensor says 100 all the time. (when draining it goes to 95 for a bit, then back to 100)The black tank sensor failed completely, so last week I...