All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: First Time Buyer...Updated 03/06/2006I bought mine off the lot where they had several models of the MH that I wanted, if you already know what you want then check dealers listings online and when you find the one you want then have dealers give you a price for the one you want. Let them compete for your business, most will. You should be able to then inspect in great detail the one you want, identify anything that needs fixing and put that in the contract and don't take delivery until your "punch" list items are all to your satisfaction. It is much easier to get things done before delivery than after delivery, in my experience. melnal wrote: I appreciate the info ;) But I think what I'm asking is… Can I buy my RV off the lot at the dealership, or do I have to special order it so that I can inspect it at the manufacturer? Surely there must be SOME people who buy the ones on the lots? Or is that EXACTLY what you're saying? Sometimes you have to break it down for us "non-high-tech PM's" ;) setraveler wrote: Old rule when I was a Hi Tech Program Manager applies: Regardless of paperwork, meetings, promises, ads, schedules, if you cannot lay hands on supposed HW, more then "Seeing drawings/part on way", you probable are the victim of rumors and it will cost you your budget plus 20-60% and get delivered late, not to specs. OK? Re: First Time Buyer...Updated 03/06/2006 Judgejulius015 wrote: What if a first-time buyer is buying a Used RV? The process for that does not sound simple at all. I have financing on a 50k 4 slide-out Fleetwood Excursion '06 M39L. The seller is using Amazon Simple pay and needs me to wire transfer funds through Amazon for a 5 day inspection period upon delivery. At which point if I agree to the sale the funds will be dispersed. How does this work if I have financing? Has anyone been through Amazon Simple Pay for secure wire transactions? Should I find a broker to help me with this? Are you sure that they will not disperse funds before you give the ok, their web site does not say that they do that with simple pay, it just gives the seller a way of giving you quick access to the simple pay function. I would not wire any money before inspecting the RV and then I would do the transfer at a bank when I see a clear title. There are too many things that can go wrong with a wired payment in advance of the deal being finalized. Here is what Amazon says about Simple Pay: What Is Amazon Simple Pay? Amazon Simple Pay is a set of payment-only products that allows your customers to use the payment information in their Amazon accounts as a payment method. If you don't need Amazon's end-to-end checkout pipeline but still want to enable your customers to use their payment information already on file at Amazon, use Amazon Simple Pay. Amazon Simple Pay provides a way to easily accept Amazon Payments on your website. All that is required to integrate is some basic knowledge of HTML. You can accept payments in one of two ways: Offer an Amazon Simple Pay button that users click to send you money using Amazon Payments. Offer Amazon Payments as payment method on your payment page. Amazon Simple Pay Standard is an easy way to add these methods to your website. When you add the Amazon Simple Pay Standard Button, your customers can pay either by clicking an Amazon Simple Pay Standard button or by selecting Amazon Payments as their payment method. Your lender should be able to help you with this deal. RayRe: Replace back up camer and monitor? CountryCoachrv wrote: JimMartin wrote: Looking to replace my original Intec backup camera and monitor (both now working). Want a 7" indash style with a color camera. Anybody done this to their RV? Rear View Safety has a nice one for around $300.00, think you can get it at Costco's online site for a discount. Ray Check this link, better price at Costco: Replace back up camer and monitor? JimMartin wrote: Looking to replace my original Intec backup camera and monitor (both now working). Want a 7" indash style with a color camera. Anybody done this to their RV? Rear View Safety has a nice one for around $300.00, think you can get it at Costco's online site for a discount. RayRe: Florida RV Park with NO alligators Kittykath wrote: Geez, I didn't realize how prominent the gator population is! And I've visited Florida a few times, never leaving the rental car other than to park at an attraction. Glad we only have monster mosquitoes to contend with. Lots of exaggeration on this thread, you can go to parks without ever seeing an alligator.Re: Florida RV Park with NO alligators Patter wrote: Thankyou all for your replies. I think we will try another State. Terry There are plenty of parks in central Florida where you will never see an alligator, no lake then no alligator. Check around Dade City and Zephyr Hills, lots of very nice snowbird parks and many of these parks have no lakes so you will have not have to share your campsite with an alligator. Check Grove Ridge in Dade City. Nice park with lots of activities and friendly snowbirds.Re: Car parked at home while gone golfknut wrote: Has anyone found a need to add fuel stabilizer (ie. Sta-bil) to the fuel system of any vehicles left parked at home while gone three months over the winter? I know fuels are better these days and was wondering if they are stable enough to not cause any issues if left as is for 3 months. We leave our car parked in our garage for the entire winter, in Maryland, without adding anything, been doing this for at least 10 years and we are gone for around 5 months each winter. Car always starts right up when we return, I do put the battery charger on the battery for a few hours when we return to make sure it has a full charge. I do fill the gas tank up before leaving for the winter so that probably helps. Age of the car might be an issue, it is a 1995 model so might not be as picky as is a newer car.Re: RV'ers with No Goodyear G670 ProblemsI guess I am one of the fortunate ones, My G670s, 295/80R,22.5, are just over 7 years old and knock on wood, no issues, no rivering and double knock on wood, NO blowouts.Re: First Time Buyer...Updated 03/06/2006 RJ Miles wrote: buying first motorhome 98, pace arrow with 7.4L chevy engine, price is good but have no experience chevy 7.4L engine, seems light to me. any advice is appreciated. thanks Yahoo has group sites where members discuss problems with their units. Suggest you go to Yahoo groups and search their site for a Pace Arrow group. RayRe: Really -- $1,500 for PDI ! Seriously???All you expert negotiators amuse me. The salesman is going to get the best of you no matter how clever you think you are. If you want the RV and you show any enthusiasm for it then you are toast. Best deal is to do your research in advance and let them know what you are willing to pay, if they don't accept then you dust off your boots and head on down the road to an honest dealer.