All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Vintage Class A Motor HomesWe will hopefully soon have the Travco on the road. My grandparents are the second owners. It hasn't been on the road for a long time, so I'm hoping it gets some use soon.Re: Just for funYep, that's the kind of stuff I was meaning. Of course the camping is fun! I guess I should have said non-camping adventures. :) I was just wondering if you all used you're RV's for other stuff too. These are some good ideas for uses, keep 'em coming.Just for funForgive me if this is a completely stupid question (I'm new :))but , do any of you take your RV's somewhere just for fun? Not because you are going camping or getting gas or tires or whatever, but simply because you want to take it.Re: Bridgeport, WV CG??I'm near that region and I don't think there are any others that would be closer.Re: Anyone Bring The Bean Bag Toss Game (Corn Hole) To Camp? smsage999 wrote: mister_d wrote: Jim102 wrote: I like "Washers", we don't get as many odd looks when we are looking for people to play washers, yelling "Does anyone want to play Corn Hole?" is different..... Jim We bring our game of "Horse Balls" with us every trip... you could also call it "Ladder Golf" but where's the fun in that? Tears in my eyes. This thread is the comic releief I needed while working here in Amsterdam. YEst the term "Cornhole has a totally different meaning here too" What's really funny is that we also have the "Ladder Ball" game. Well, my 4 year old son wanted to play the game so he took the set of golf balls on the string. He kept the red set and gave the other set to my husband which was...wait for it... The BLUE set. He said "Here Daddy, you've got blue balls." We all about died laughing. So at my house we have two games: Cornhole and Blue balls. I know, it's terrible. But it sure is funny!Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Thanks Leeann, Eyeteeth and Brian! I'll have to check that wiring out. Safety is a very important thing to me. I don't care how nice it looks on the inside, expensive furnishing burn just the same as cheap ones! If the marine grade wiring is the best then we'll go with that, even if it is more expensive. My Pap always used to say "the cheapest way to do something is usually the most expensive". I don't want to get cheap stuff just to have it burn my rig down. We have to fix some water damage to the roof in the back so we'll have to take some of the ceiling down anyways. As far as it being a big job to undertake, we just completely rewired our S&B house, now that was a pain! We should be able to handle this, at least that's what I'll tell myself. :)Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Should I change all the electric wires just to be safe? If so what should I use?Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Good afternoon everyone! Wow! What a topic! I hope you can count me in. Never been camping a day in my life, however, we should be aquiring my Grandparents Travco soon. It's a 270 with a 413. They bought it from the original owner. I'm not sure what year they got it though. I do know that it hasn't been used (taken camping) for at least 25 years because I don't ever remember it being used. My Gramps did start it from time to time and moved it around in the drive way though. I know first thing that is going to happen with it is new tires. Followed by the replacement of all the belts, lines and anything else that is rubber and brittle. The inside really doesn't need a whole lot of work. There is some water damage at the back vent that accidentally got left open. Other than that, I didn't see anything. I don't really know if the appliances work or not, Gramps didn't say. He did say the generator did work and it's 5000w. The siblings and I used to play in this all the time when we were younger and I thought it would have been the coolest thing to use the way it was meant to be used. I like the layout pretty well. I would like to possibly add some upper bunks to the two "twin" beds in the back. The couch opens to bunks as well but I don't want to have to take down the beds every morning. I'd rather just have 4 designated beds. Other than that, I'd like to keep it as original as possible. I will add a few creature comforts like an iPod ready radio and maybe a TV but no major gutting and reconfiguring of the layout. You guys are all right, the older rigs are so much more fun. They have TONS of character. Don't get me wrong, there are some SUPER nice new ones out there, they have everything you could want in them and more. But, call me crazy, I kinda want to be inconvienced a little when I'm camping. Plus, how much fun can you have worring and being careful not to break anything on you $500,000 rig??? I like knowing that if we end up not going camping for a year, or two, or three, I'm still not "paying" every month for it to just "look pretty" in my yard! Ha! Anyways, love the thread, you all seem like great fun! And once the Travco is all fixed up, I may just have my dad paint "Mines paid for, is yours?" on the back! Just kidding!!! PS. Here's some more pics and if you've got a name suggestion pass it on. I've kinda tossed around either Tank or Fezzik (from The Princess Bride, my favorite movie). 1972 Travco 270Re: Total Rebuild of a 1979 Dodge Class CNice! But then again, I am a little biased. :B oldtrucker63 wrote: I found this Old Dodge sitting in the Church Parking lot this morning it belongs to a Church Member and he got away before I could find out what year it is, I like the old Mack Truck Mirrors he has on it.
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