All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Just Bad Luck? So True. As you can see I am angry... Mostly because I have my children and grandchildren on my camping trips. I am over it now and thank you for your thoughts. I will now have the rv that we love on the inside and all new moving parts under it. Its only money !!! LOL Now we have the camper we love but to broke to go anywhere... Yikes !! Re: Just Bad Luck? I didn't buy as is... I said I wanted it gone over everything and had no problems paying for it. They agreed to do this. I would agree If I bought it from a private owner and didn't have it inspected. I bought it from a so called respected dealer. Paid for a presale inspection and then a state inspection. If you ever read the reviews of these dealers it is insane on the complaints. And "just moving on" is the exact reason they still get away with it. I'm not moving on. I didn't buy this from some guys yard with a hope and poke. It was used, yes. But I paid good money to have this RV safe for my family. To find no brakes and 4 oblong tires is totally unacceptable. Re: Just Bad Luck? Hi, Is there somewhere or a course of action to take for this selling a RV without brakes in one of the wheels. The only thing I found was RV Lemon laws and PA doesnt have them. Re: Just Bad Luck? Yes, I wish I knew all of this. When I asked for the presale inspection, I thought it would include all if not most of what you stated. I did personally check the undercarriage and looked and seen all the brake wires looked connected. I only wish I had taken the tires off and checked the bearings and brakes. As stated above, i depended on them selling me it in the best condition and trusting they did a thorough inspection of mentioned possible problems. Well with all new tires, upgraded axles with larger hubs/brakes, springs etc., etc. We will feel safer compared to how I feel now on buying anything from this dealer again. I know now for a fact that the empty brake drum and no parts, that it never did have brakes in that wheel. I am also paying again for a full inspection of everything. Like you said it is a learning experience and even new things are subject to let you down. Thanks for all the responses. Re: Just Bad Luck? Sorry click not cling LOL Re: Just Bad Luck? if you cling on the links above those that dont work it will show the pics. I dont know why but the bold links send you to zoinks ?? Let me know if it works. Thanks Re: Just Bad Luck? We found it hard to find info on the 272RL and that it is the same as the 273. I did post a pic of inside the hub . There was grease all over the inside. Being that the tire fell off in my driveway, i searched everywhere for brake parts. Even took my 4x4 slowly back tracked for miles to see if there were any parts on the rd. Nothing. I am have both axles upgraded to 5,200# axle with 12" drums. They were only going to replace the broken one. I said to change both. My biggest fault was not having a independent inspector do the presale inspection. You want to trust a dealer that is selling you an expensive RV even more so being used. The layout is exactly what we wanted so once all the upgrades are done we will have all new axles, brakes etc., etc.. Thanks so much again for your insight. We had a 2009 Kingsport before this and never had any problems. we upgraded for more room and luxury. I hope we will be good in the future. I will still be asking the dealer a lot of questions on what they sold me. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Re: Just Bad Luck? if you click on the text in the upper box the pics will work Yikes Re: Just Bad Luck? [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Re: Just Bad Luck? Hi John and thanks for all the info. I will try and answer your questions. 2019 272 RL Travel trailer ... Yes, we bought it used. Number one reason we payed for a pre-sale inspection. it has 2 axles and the tires were mixed with Castle rock and National. They had good thread and was told they were good to go. The tire that blew was indeed delamination. Once we had the 4 new tires put on we were amazed at the different ride we had towing it. I drove so much smother. The axle still had the nut on it. The hub and bark part sill on the axle had nothing in it. I found a ring, bearings and broken part of the hub where the tire lie in my drive. Absolutely no brake parts of any kind. The dealer said I didn't know what I was talking about as for sure there were brakes or they disintegrated. I find that hard to believe that everything burned up. LOL I will have to figure out on how to put up pics.