All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRyobi 2300 Generator Requires a Pause from pulling in order to start (Pull, Pause, Pull, Start) Am I the only one who has noticed that they have to pause between pulls when starting their Ryobi 2300? If I pull non-stop, repeatedly, it will not start, even if I pull the **bleep** thing as many times as I have the strength to pull. Then I pause, catch my breathe, give one weak one fingered pull, (not even using my whole hand) and the **bleep** thing starts right up. It does the exact same thing if I pull it once and pause, or pull a hundred times and pause, it always starts so easy after the pause but, never starts before the pause. What the heck is going on here? It has done this since the day I took it out of the box, brand new. A year and a half later, still does the same thing. I even bought a second Ryobi 2300, and it too, does the exact same thing. I named them Ryobia and Ryobib. Aka, Ryobi A and Ryobi B. Re: Ryobi 2300 generator keeps overloading Am I the only one who has noticed that they have to pause between pulls when starting their Ryobi 2300? If I pull non-stop repeatedly, it will not start, even if I pull the **bleep** thing as many times as I have the strength to pull. Then I pause, catch my breathe, give one weak one fingered pull, (not even using my whole hand) and the **bleep** thing starts right up. It does the exact same thing if I pull it once and pause, or pull a hundred times and pause, it always starts so easy after the pause but, never starts before the pause. WTF is going on here?