If you are truly concerned that you might catch the cardboard on fire, you can make homemade fire-retardant and spray your flammable materials, let them dry and then move forward. Here is a quick link to some mixes you might consider:Flame Retardant ...
The 1st box I built did not catch on fire but did fall off the back of the trailer while driving down the road... Grin. Luckily it was wired on, so it was destroyed but did not fall into traffic.
StirCrazy wrote:ProjectMon wrote:Gone through a couple wired to running lights like Flyboy. Some have worked some needed to be returned. Current one has good range through TT and has lasted two years so far.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QQSSP6...
Gone through a couple wired to running lights like Flyboy. Some have worked some needed to be returned. Current one has good range through TT and has lasted two years so far.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QQSSP63/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_tit...