Quick question, seems my Champion RV ready gen lately was using a hair more oil than normal and I decided to adjust my valves over the weekend as I had accrued another 50 hours on it. I discovered the valve cover oil breather hose had popped outta th...
Here's an extension drain for the gen set I got from Northern Toolhttp://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200311061_200311061&issearch=7011544Slick!
"Internal engine tolerances in the Champion engine are not compatible with synthetic oil or synthetic blend."I find this very hard to understand??Slick!! (who run's both his Genny's on Amsoil synthetic)
I made my wheel kit from a 2-wheel wheel barrow kit from tractor supply, cost me about $25 otd. Came with the bushings, wheels (pneumatic), axle shaft (which I cut to length) and was a snap to instal as the axle holders were the same bolt pattern as ...
I think we are starting to get a little off base here, this was a great place to find out the latest and greatest on simple Chinese Generators, how to be safe, and simple mod's the avg joe could do to make up for any short comings from the mfg... Now...