All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: The Brave is back!As a former owner of a 1976 Indian: There are features of the new Brave I like: 1: the sliding GPS, 2: the co-pilot desk, 3: the front table 4: the folding jack-knife couch with electric table 5: the third "captains chair" 6: the corner bed that folds up for more floor space. 7: the rear electric bunk/storage area combination 8: the waterfall counter extension 9: the steel sink/faucet combination 10: the aux. LP gas hook-up The floor tie-downs and front bunk are OK The MCD Roller Shades are OK What I do not like so much is: 1: rear corner bed with thin mattress, impossible to make-up with bedding. 2: TV location 3: no slides 4: poor aerodynamics 5: exterior/interior color scheme 6: no rear roof ladder (this seems to be a trend, but I like it to carry chairs etc.) Just my humble opinion...Re: Wintering in the Donna Texas AreaWe have wintered in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) for four winters and plan to be down there for many more. Last year was a cool winter, much cooler than normal in Feb/March. Highs in the upper 50's with cold winds, lows at night in the mid to lower 40's were common place. In a normal winter residents tend to wear shorts and T-shirts every day with highs in the 80's. Golf and Swimming every day we want. There are as many as 500 RV/Mobile Home parks in the RGV. Donna is pretty centrally located in the valley. One of the best parks in the RGV is Llano Grande (pronounced yanno grande') You should visit their new WEB site. link to Llano Web Site They now post an event calendar on line. You can look at Feb or March 2014 Calendars to get a sense of what they offer. Book early, as FEB/March the park is usually full (1,200 sites). You might also look at this site: link to "The Winter Texan Connection" JimRe: Campground near waterloo IowaI lived and camped in Waterloo area for 20 years. Our favorite campground for the last few years is Big Woods Lake in Cedar Falls. Link to Big Woods Lake web site This a new park with large level sites, bike trail access, and fishing/boating. They take reservations and are near the expressway, but not so close that you hear it. It is on the North side of Cedar Falls, about 15 miles from Schrock Road. A close choice might be Hickory Hills County Park link to Hickory Hills web site. We camped there about 10 yrs ago. It is very near Schrock Rd. but not our favorite. Good luck and happy camping, JimRe: Rio Grande Valley Park recommendationsDon't be surprised if some of the better parks are already full for the season. JimRe: is Lynx Leveler out of business? 2oldman wrote: Website working for me. Lynx Works for me on my Android tablet.Re: Photography clubs? golf_bears wrote: admiral0647, crabbin cabin, What parks are you guys in that have a photo club? Llano Grande RV Resort, Mercedes, TX. www.llanogranderesort.comRe: Photography clubs?BlackSilver: The park where I spend the winter has a photography club. Out of 2400 winter residents in our park, the club meetings are usually attended by 12-15 people. We meet once a week from December thru April. Our club has a “leader” but no other organization as such and no dues. We are fortunate to be able to meet in a room with a newer 50” HDTV that the leader and others can plug their computer into to display submitted photos. Our meetings are informal gatherings. The leader or another member might have a prepared presentation on various subjects including techniques, and methods to organize and manage large volumes of digital photo files. We also discuss photo manipulation software and camera features. Members also have the opportunity to display their work to the members, explaining what if anything made their images unique. Besides more traditional meetings, there are often (once a month or so) field trips usually organized by the leader, but can be suggested by anyone. Past field trips for photo opportunities have included: An auto junk yard An after dark visit to a carnival ( for long exposure photos of moving lights) A public flower garden At the meeting following the field trip we will review the various photos taken and submitted. We also hold challenges, including a recent photo scavenger hunt in the park. The leader identified and listed photo opportunities in our park and teams of two were given the list (about 20 items) to find and photograph. Then we returned to the meeting and submitted our resulting photos to the leader who displayed them and we as a group graded them with the team getting high score getting a token prize. We also had a challenge to assemble 3 photos from our libraries that can be used to “tell a story” by their images. Each participant submitted their three to the leader on a thumb drive and they were displayed to the group. As you can see from the above, success depends on the commitment and skill of the leader along with interest and involvement of the members. We are fortunate to have a talented and committed leader and a membership interested in the hobby of photography. My suggestion is start small and informally. You might arrange a casual get together with refreshments to discuss your common interest. Look for someone to take the role of leader to track membership, send out communications and lead meetings. Look for a location to meet that has a suitable resource to display images. Tap the membership to share with others skills they have been able to develop. Be creative in your approach, you might be surprised at the results. Good luck and good photos… JimRe: Mission West RV Park, Texas ??In addition to Mission West, you might consider this park in the RGV, in Mercedes. Watch this video:Llano Grande Resort Video Then visit the WEB site:Llano Grande RV Resort One of the largest parks in the valley. Large lots, wide paved streets, two "off leash" dog parks, four pools, and much more! JimRe: Eeven Brake eats car batteries rgatijnet1 wrote: You can get one of the battery jumper boxes and use it to power your brake system. At least when it dies you would still be able to drive your vehicle. These are available from Harbor Freight, and other sources, for under $50. I used the above solution of about 5 trips last year when my toad battery would run down. Fixed it by replacing the toad's weak battery. Have not used it since, but I still carry the jump battery in my MH. I leave it plugged in in an outside compartment with 110v outlet. Have used the jump battery to help other campers with 12v problems. JimRe: Green Gate Grove Park in RGVOr, You might consider this park in the RGV, in Mercedes. Watch this video:Llano Grande Resort Video Then visit the WEB site:Llano Grande RV Resort before you choose. Jim
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