All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Pre-Buy InspectionI copy - pasted the link into my browser and the pre-purchase checklist popped up correctly.Re: Pre-Buy Inspectionhere is a link to "Woodglue's" check list: Pre-Buy InspectionOn the Lance Owners of America website a lady who goes by the moniker "Wood Glue" has a PDI (pre-delivery inspection) checklist that is the "Standard" response by almost all posters on that site to people looking for advice of what to look for prior to purchase. Also a very good RV Forum with knowledgeable folks, and polite responses. It is free but they have some forum sections that can only be available to paid members ($35 for lifetime).Re: What battery should I buy?I would look at Interstate batteries in 12V. If you lose one 6V battery you are out of luck. I have 2 Group 24 12V in my camper from 2012 and they still are going strong. I may have jinxed them!!! Ha. Do a little shopping to get best prices, I got two size 94 for my Dodge 1 ton and got quotes for $250 each and found them at a local auto parts store for $165 each.Re: rv garageI would check with the building department and see if the wall is required to be fire rated. If it is a separate structure from the house it likely does not need to be FR. But a check to them will settle the issue. Or perhaps your contractor knows.Sent 40 years as a structural engineer doing building structures. One of our engineers went into sales for LP and he showed our company their new product. LP (louisiana pacific) has an OSB panel that is fire rated called Flame Block. if it has to be fire rated you could go with Flame Block, sheet rock by itself, or OSB over sheet rock. If not required to be FR I would go with OSB or plywood painted a bright white. Good luck with your project. I am envious of all who can store their RV at home. New 5th wheel and towing issuesYou are going to love the heated steering wheel. At least my arthritic hands do. The 6 speed AT has proven to be good. CTD is truly legendary.Re: Looking for opinions on automatic vs stickAutomatic for me, much easier in traffic and hills. But to answer your question, stick is much less money to fix if and when things go wrong, also stick gets slightly better mileage.Re: Stolen fastgunsThey have a good value on ebay or Craigslist. not necessarily a TC owner but someone familiarRe: f250 or f350?1 Ton, F350, 3500 by any of the big 3. 4X4 also, don't take a knife to a gunfight. You will want a bigger rig someday. If i had a chance to do it over would go dually, 1 ton, 4x4.Re: What would You Order?First time buyers will think a built in generator is a plus. When looking for my camper that was the way i was thinking. But this site and others made me rethink this. Plus the $1500 to $2000 savings for having a honda or yamaha. Additionally my RV buddy had a built in and it shook his camper and was Loud as Heck when running. So ordered camper without gen and bought a Honda from mail order for about $900 ish. Much quieter and can take it off camper when is not needed and provide extra storage space. Wife now loves it as the generator cabinet can store extra shoes and other stuff.
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