Keep in mind the Roo has changed in the past month. It is worth checking out as you might like it more or less. It now has a much better bathroom and a few other things have moved around.
Great looking camper! I went the other direction...from toy hauler to Roo. I think it takes owning a camper to really know what you want and glad you found a good fit for you. Have fun!
My personal opinion is that I would not worry one bit about the heated holding tanks or thermopane windows in a hybrid.I had both in my toy hauler and I did like the windows but the holding tanks were never on. In my new hybrid I skipped both. Ther...
That looks pretty cool but the information on the product page sure seems to be lacking. I have been pretty happy with the other rhino lined items I have done.
I highly recommend the Roo 23ss. I actually ordered the 21DK as it is mostly the wife and I with our teenagers every once in a while...but if I had younger kids I would definitely do the 23ss for the extra seating space.I liked the larger bathroom a...