toprudder wrote:kromix wrote:whats the difference between the 40026 and the 46514 quality ?I can get the 40026 @ my local lowes for $280 out the door, should I pull the trigger? I just want it to be good quality like the other ones you guys dissect i...
toprudder wrote:kromix wrote:1) Which models are the ones that are suggested to be purchased that seem to be good quality chinese hondas? only the 1 3500W champion? 46514?2) Anyone have a good deal on one I can buy right now? In miami, Florida, no tr...
Hello, new here and had a couple questions, read through the first couple pages in the beginning and end but no avail and didn't want to read 10,000 posts and I saw that posting repeat questions are ok... Here goes!1) Which models are the ones that a...