since ‎Oct-12-2012

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The 20 year old Inteli Power PD-9040 bit the dust this week.Should I stay with an Inteli Power? PD9145 is more than adequate for me, we don't do any dry camping. About $150 on Amazon.Any other brands people like/dislike? Altera from Camping World is...
Has anyone replaced the roof on their TT? Going to do this myself. The 20 year old rubber roof on ours is due. The Dicor products look good and reasonable price. Briteply vs. Britetek?Can i go right over the existing rubber?
You like scissors or BAL T-Type? I see BAL has a Lock-Arm deal too that could be used on either style.
Tested the propane detector tonight. It works, but I thought it took way to much to set it off. I was spraying propane vapor into the sensor hole, probably took ten seconds to alert. The stench was heavy long before it sounded. I suppose after 21 ...
I need to do something. I use my iPhone for photos. I hear Photobucket is terrible.Suggestions......