All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: You MIGHT be an RV'r if . . .Here is a few from a Toyhaulers perspective. If ...... Your brother couldn't find your camp site , because he could not believe you pulled a 30' 5er down a trail that he didn't even think was a trail. And had trouble getting his van up the hill. "Dude I thought it was only a pull out!" " I didn't even see a trail ! " He said. If ..... You are tempted to go to the MX track in the RV , butt know you won't get any laps in if you do..... Also applies to a day in the desert..................... If .... you got an 18v chain saw from you mother in law for Xmas ..... and plan to use it to get to cool spots ............ If ...... you wash your 5er and TV while still connected .... and you are going out to the desert..... A little variation You know your a Toyhauler if .... you want to load up the bikes even if your just visiting family , just in case you find a new riding spot. If ..... after buying your first toyhauler you start to want a sandrail or samurai or rhino just because you have room for one ........ This was surprising to me? If .... only half of the basement is for chairs and BBQs (RV stuff) and the other half is for your toolbox parts crate , gearbag and tire inflater ( Dirtbike stuff) . If ..... you build a basement slide out with room for a table underneath because their is no picknick table where you camp .Re: Off Road Riding Spots (with coordinates) ShortyKorte wrote: The coors are in Degree, Decimal Minutes. The Garmins I have seen allows you to change to the different formats. Degree-Minutes-Seconds DDMMSS 82* 30' 45" Degree-Decimal Minutes DDMM.MM 82* 30.75' Decimal Degree DD.DD 82.5125 This helps me to understand better. Butt can you explain map datum and or how to recognize what wgs-84 nad-83 nad-27 looks like.Re: Off Road Riding Spots (with coordinates) jjtor wrote: :B OK this looks like it will help. butt why does their have to be so many ways to write Coordinates? And which ( Datum?) should I have my GPS set up to use ? Which Datum are the coordiates writen in at the top of this post? Should I change my GPS every time I see different types or use a translator? Why have I not seen posts talking about this on the web forums I go to. Am I the dumb one or are people affraid to ask in fear of looking dumb?Re: Off Road Riding Spots (with coordinates)Is their a website that translates the different types of GPS coordinates?
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