All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Recommendations on a rear living travel trailer?We love our rear living unit. We like the fact the recliners fit with slide closed, and we can still access the whole TT. This makes packing so much easier. j It has all the features we liked and gives us plenty of room if we have company. The television is angled in the living area so we are not having to be so far away in order to watch television. Here is one like my unit for sale in the Phoenix area. Looks like a good deal. Hot weather and refrigeratorsI also live in Furnace AZ, we start ours the night before when the sun goes down and I also freeze about 6 drinking water bottles. I put 2 in the freezer and 2 in the fridge then switch out 2 in the morning when I am loading the fridge. I make sure everything is either chilled or frozen before I put in fridge. I also have a small battery fridge fan and have it running. Sometimes I thaw out what we are having for dinner in the fridge to help keep it cold. Hope this helps.Re: Tick and Flea GuardMake sure the diatomatious earth is food grade ( not the kind you use for a swimming pool). That is a safe to use around people and animals. We use it in our yard and has made a huge. We purchased a 50 lb bag at a local tack shop for $25. Hope it helps.Re: Costs to register TT in AZIf you purchase through an out of state dealer, you will have to pay that state's sales tax rate whether it is higher or lower than the 6.9% sales tax rate for AZ. When you register in AZ you will have to pay the difference if the rate paid is lower than 6.9%. If the state you purchased from is higher than 6.9% you do NOT get a refund. Hope this helps. Thank miles for the info. I had a heart attack when I opened up our tag registration last month. It makes sense now.Re: New stereo needed- options?It appears the unit in your TT was this one. Keep searching. I was able to buy this unit for our old TT for around $190.00 back in 2012. Our old TT came with just a CD player and radio. I did end up purchasing on ebay from a rv surplus dealer. Hope this helps.Re: Soliciting feedback- what am I looking for?Az, we are also in the Phoenix area, went through the same this past May. I am a researcher. I have all my ducks in a row before I go talk to the salesman. Find the model you like and request a quote from or each handle different brands. I had a quote in hand along with a pre-approval for financing, because dealers will mess around with the interest rates. We found Good Sam to have best rate for pre-approval and then a local US Bank matched the interest rate through the dealer. Just doing that saved us 4% in interest fees. The dealer came down to a figure we could live with and real close to our quoted research price. Yes it is a bit of work but it has saved us thousands. Just a side note your AZ sales tax you pay for the unit and any interest fees you pay is a deduction on your 2014 taxes. It will be considered a second home and sales tax on a large purchase. Just a few things that may help you save a bit with your research.Re: Looking for solutionsWe purchased new a 2011 TT. After 10 months took it in to dealer for some minor warranty issues and the dealer adjusted the slide and it ended up ripping up our floor 18" in two places while at the dealer. We were never notified. After 2 weeks we were told they were waiting on parts. We still weren't aware of what happened. After 3 weeks we stopped in and were told what had happened. We decided at the time on a whole floor replacement. They cut the flooring around the cabinets. The manufacturer sent the wrong pattern flooring. Dealer installed without checking the flooring in cabinets or under the bed. We got our TT back 3 months later. Due to our excessive heat the replacement flooring started curling up around one of the cabinets and along the wall in bedroom. Took it back to the dealer 3 times to have the flooring reglued. We ended up trading in working with the dealer and purchased a new TT. Gave us an offer we couldn't refuse. I have mixed feelings on replacement flooring unless sent back to manufacturer.Re: Avoiding the Stinky Slinkysaw a fella at the campground on galveston island that looked about like that. a newbie? in a big class A. had hip boots on, oyster shucking gloves up past his elbows. hooked his stinky slinky up and ran it to an input on the vertical sewer pipe above ground about 2-3 ft up. guess he didn't see the plug flush to the ground. he proceded to dump, lift the slinky to empty it, dumped some more,etc. etc. etc. he should have had a macerator pump? bumpy He must have watched the movie " RV " way too many times. LOL
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