All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Lock em up... a long storyI'll bet a fair amount become 'Zombie RVs'. They turn up in dead end streets and side roads all over the metro area. Beat up and run down. But someone is staying there. They get moved every few days. Most have no plates.Re: Besides Amazon where? 2oldman wrote: ....I have a rural mailbox which is in a stand with many other mailboxes..... It is eight miles from my mailbox to the nearest cell service. The Amazon drivers (never the same twice) get lost without their little devices. They like to report the package as "Undeliverable, cannot reach front door" when I am home all day and they never even go past the driveway. Truthfully, I don't blame the city-bred Amazon drivers for not delivering. To minimize package theft, Amazon has their drivers do delivery from afternoons to late evenings. I would be scared out of my wits delivering in the middle of winter when it is dark at 5pm, up a gravel lane, with no cell service, to a place where I had never been before. After numerous complaints I got Amazon Logistics to "de-prioritize" Amazon's shipping department. As a result USPS delivers most of my packages. You have to get past the front line person and get through too Logistics to get this change made. It helps to be able to cite several lost/delayed orders that were being delivered by Amazon. USPS knows the area and brings packages larger than an envelope the 1/4 mile from the mailbox to my door. They used to complain about it and leave the 'go pick it up at the Post Office' notes. However, Amazon wants the packages delivered - period. So they do a lot better than they did a decade ago. I totally get it. My choice to live in a rural environment, so I cannot expect the same service level as people who live in town. My only ask is they meet whatever expectation they are setting. If it is going to take a week, tell me that upfront. Don't promise me next/2-day delivery and then fail.Re: Besides Amazon where? dedmiston wrote: I haven't written off Amazon yet, but I shop around before I add anything to my cart.... Completely agree. After what Amazon did to Parler, I am now questioning my choice to shop with Amazon. But, at the end of the day, it is my money. I can regularly find stuff cheaper elsewhere. And if I cannot, I use the Amazon Chase card for a 5% discount on Prime purchases. (Free card, I never carry a balance, I actually transfer the money with Bill Pay before I make the purchase on Amazon). I figure if I have to shop with Amazon, I want to give them as little profit as possible, maybe even taking a net loss on my my business.Re: Lance siding... is this factory? AISURFFISH wrote: Run.. run far and run fast.. don't look back at that can o worms.... All depends on what someone is looking for. Clearly repaired. It could be a heck of a deal at the right price point. May get a lot more camper than someone could otherwise afford. Did they document the repair process? A bunch of pictures could validate the repair was done well. Frankly with all the screws holding the siding on, this camper is probably structurally stronger than what Lance produced originally. The skin adds rigidity to the frame. It actually looks like a good blank canvas for a vinyl vehicle wrap. That could seal all the screw heads and make it look pretty cool at the same time.Re: Escape Hatch Condensation+1 on venting. The condensation on the aluminum is a symptom, not the problem. I have added memory foam and a down pad on top of the mattress pad. Under them I have an electric blanket (we are not sleeping directly on the blanket). So when we are hooked up, the bed stays nice and toasty warm. This allows me to have the vent over the bed open. The air cools off, but it does keep the camper from filling with stale moist air.Re: Rotten wings macdale4 wrote: Has anyone replaced the wings on their Lance? I'm thinking of using starboard this time. Any tips? Did that, done that, got the merit badge. Looks like Photobucket water marked all my images, but they are still hosting them. My write up.Re: TC Horizontal LP CylindersI have never been hassled about my 2003 horizontal tanks by a propane dealer. Granted I keep the tanks clean, and paint over any scratches. They look relatively new which I suspect is why they never check.Re: The trashing of our public lands. cptqueeg wrote: .... The cause is the same though - it's all about me, and how much money can I extract for the "shareholders."... Hopefully you don't have a retirement plan which you expect to grow and be profitable. Unless you are an active and picky hands-on investor, you are probably like the rest of us with investments tucked away in a variety of mutual funds and so forth. Just going out on a limb here...but I'll just bet those people managing your funds are instructed to extract as much money as they can for those evil shareholders. Ah, so let's have the government be the answer to everything and heavily tax companies for environmental concerns. Hmmm... Maybe I should move my money over to foreign stocks instead of domestic because they now have a higher rate of return, yeah that is the smart strategy. You can hate it all you want. But that's just how it is going to be until people make the conscious decision to invest their money based upon environmental impact instead of return on investment. Do with YOUR money what you want. But don't try to shame me as a "shareholder" who is trying to get the most out of my investments.Re: Germs while traveling mr_andyj wrote: Germs don't have feet, they will not travel. Even before the "pandemic" I was aware of hidden germs. I use my pinky finger as that is a finger less likely to touch my eye, nose or mouth. Leaving the bathroom I never touch the door. I wait for a sucker to open it for me, or use my foot if the door opens out, or use my used paper towel to touch the handle, then toss the paper towel (the though of someones poo on the handle is my reason). On general doors I touch the lower part of the handle, you can typically see a lot of wear on the top as everyone touches there, but the bottom is like new, so would have been touched less. Door knobs that turn just have to be grabbed. Pick your politician, Trump or Nancy, both of them are on HCQ, that is both the cure and the vax, but has to be taken with Zinc (which is really what does the job). Take your vitamins and take a multi-mineral for good measure. Green Tea is also beneficial for helping the body fight off viruses. Flu shots will make you more vulnerable, so take extra caution if you fall into this. Alcohol sanitizer really does kill most germs within 20-30 seconds. Keep that with you instead of a clunky piece of metal, that will be infected on one end anyway... +1 Our immune systems depend on low level exposure to viruses in order to build up immunity. Help your immune system with proper nutritional supplements (as mentioned above), and be smart but not paranoid. I am actually worried this winter will be a severe cold & flu season because we quarantined healthy people and did not allow them to spread low level viruses over the summer - like normal. We skipped the opportunity to build up immunity during the months when Vitamin D was high, and that will probably bite us in the butt this winter. As for the OP's inquiry... It seems to me this device is more about virtue signalling than it is about preventing the spread of germs. "I care so much about you that I am using this tool to prevent the spread of my germs, you should do the same for me."Re: Get me out of here! PLEASE xmush1620x wrote: ...But, I'm a trooper and I just grit my teeth with the tears.... Representing the DH contingent of this forum.... Thank you for that! My DW gets all itchy on the mountain roads too. I've got it covered, no problem. I'm not going to do anything to make the experience worse for her, but having to attend to her anxiety does detract from the safety of the task at hand. I wish she would just grit her teeth and let me get the job done without the drama and distractions. Suggestion... If you know what time of day you will be traveling the route, plan your sleep schedule so your body is ready for a nap. Take a little something to help it along, buckle up, put the seat back, trust your DH to be safe, and take a snooze.
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