All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: High end gasser or entry level DPWe’ve had both. DP is certainly nicer to drive, because of the quiet and the air ride. Maintenance is significantly more complex and expensive. Advantage DP during the driving portion of your travels. The quality of the house is what matters during the parked portion of your stays. Things like insulation, dual pane windows, ducted air and better materials and cabinetry make living in it a more pleasant experience. Advantage for better brands like Newmar or Tiffin (whether gas or diesel) vs most of the lower tier brands. Spend your time touring a bunch of units. Sit inside with the HVAC running and listen to the TV or have a conversation. Look inside the cabinets and bins. And drive them. Only you can decide what features are important for you.Re: Are the $25K lithium battery systems worth their cost?Early adopter technology is never good value, but there’s always a segment of the market that will pay the price. Class B in general are poor value IMO compared to other choices, but they fit the need for some people obviously. I could see a case for someone who’s basically transient, and needs cooling when parked.Re: Modified Sine wave inverter for seldom used microwaveLots of coach builders are still using MSW. Ours came with one, and the micro worked ok, but it did heat slower and made a buzzing sound not heard on pure sine. I have since replaced it with a PSW but not because of the micro. Be sure your batteries are up to it. Takes about 140 amps current to run our kitchen appliances.Re: When on inverter power GFCI won't resetWe experienced multiple GFCI false trips and refusals to reset with a Magnum MSW inverter. All original by the coach builder, and obviously it can work for many people. I did some research and turned up a white paper by a maker of GFCI outlets stating there were known compatibility issues with MSW. Our inverter was replaced under warranty with a PSW, no problem since. And the microwave heats faster on PSW as well.Re: Any one else afraid to travel right now ? jdc1 wrote: Motels? NO WAY JOSE. My 5'er is the safest place to sleep, other than my home. My wife, a retired L&D RNC will not allow us to venture far right now. I want badly to drive to Phoenix to see some of the grandkids (800 miles). No way she'll let me go right now. Arizona's covid19 rate is still on the rise. Florida? It's gonna get REALLY bad there because of the way they are treating this thing. Horsefeathers. Florida hospitals are under utilized, there’s no model even showing a resource shortage (and we know now how pessimistic those bogus models are). There’s no correlation either to demonstrate that states with more restrictions experience less infection.Re: What To Tow?What is your towing capacity? I prefer to drive a 4x4 myself, so it’s easy for me to find something. I just buy what I like to drive and then tow it. Not so easy for people who like cars. You could get a used CRV or similar. If you have no experience motorcycling off road let me caution you it’s whole different skill than road riding and for the most part road bikes suck off road and vice versa. Motorhome magazine publishes a list of towable cars every year and you can see the older lists on their website.Re: Kirkland Signature synthetic 5W/30 ??Warren Oil Company makes it, also Walmart and Amazon house branded oil. They all get excellent reviews from testing and comparisons.Re: And Texas Caves In16 million unemployed on record And that’s without the millions more like the lady in the article who has tried 1,200 times and failed to get through the unemployment filing website. Models are not accurate Decisions have been made using faulty assumptions and bad science. Instead of a one hour news program with doctors doing all the talking, let’s hear from some economists. The local sheriff here in the last week put up one of those mobile electronic signs on the highway into our community. “Lock your doors”. Doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where this road goes.Re: CDC and the government may be loosening the lockdown“ If Your Only Tool Is a Hammer Then Every Problem Looks Like a Nail” Sort of like epidemiologists and quarantines. This agenda is driven by the large cities that have a problem because of international travel compounded by multi story buildings with many small shared spaces like elevators and entrances. Small town America was never going to experience what NYC did. But if too many people come to that realization, well, the shine is gone from the apple. Plays havoc with the agenda that everyone should desert the small towns and suburbs and move to metropolis.Re: CDC and the government may be loosening the lockdownNearly a third of apartment renters failed to pay April rent, per the WSJ today.
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