Suggestion to help us identify if a post has new replies
This suggestion is based off a thread from Boon_Docker (What A Joke This Forum Has Become) regarding the dates on posts. I can see that the dates seem to wander when viewing the posts because the date shows as when the post was created not when it was last replied to. I wonder if a simple solution would be to add a last replied to date on the main page. I made a crude picture to show what I'm thinking of with the date and possible places that it can be added and screen shot it below. This way you can retain the date the original was created and add in a way to determine if there is something new and how new it is. This is something I always wanted on the old the date format be changed to alpha characters for the month
Can I suggest changing the posting date format of posts to use three letters for the month. While I believe the membership of this site is predominately US, we still have many members who not. In the US we list dates as MM/DD/YY But in many other parts of the world they list dates a DD/MM/YY So when I read a message and see it was posted on 07/11/2023 Was that post made on July 11? Or if I'm not in the US, was it posted on the November 7? If it's simple change I would suggest a date format that uses alpha for the month like Jul 11 2023.. That way there is no mistake whether I'm in United States or in Great Britain? This might be a moot point if this is already handled by the local browsers. But figured I'd bring it up.Solved636Views1like4Comments