Forum Discussion
I'm still here, Metalgator, even though this new format is utterly infuriating. Someone so failed the KISS principle...
We've not been RV traveling for a long time now, since Spousal Unit was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer that metastasized into his spine. He has such difficult getting into/out of the Class A that we're going to sell it, after we get a couple things fixed.
He's thinking a Class B would work; I'm thinking I don't want to pay more for a vehicle than my house mortgage. We'll consider options after the Class A is finally sold and gone.
Meanwhile, Czarny is not Spotacus -- he is most definitely not a traveling cat. Can't even handle being in a kennel, so our travel options are limited, unless we can get an in-home cat sitter.
On the subject of this thread, I really miss Dixie Flyer. Between his stories and the long-lost thread on the Defenders of the Light (featuring General Gretchen and at least two of my cats), I thoroughly enjoyed being here.
- DOTLDaddyFeb 24, 2024Nomad
Hey Wanderlost, this is Dotldaddy, Gen. Gretchen's dad. Gretchen was the successor to Gen. Missy, the original co-leader of the DOTL along with Gen. Jax. All three are long gone over the bridge, but their exploits in saving the world from darkness and evil will live on forever. We need them desperately now, as the dark forces have been building steadily. . . .