Forum Discussion
Still recovering from my overseas trip. Covid is gone, but I have a hearing loss and so far nothing seems to have worked. It wasn't caused by the covid as I had it before I left on my trip, figuring I would get it treated when I got home. But the pressures in the planes seemed to have made it worse and the doctor said I may have to have tubes put in to get rid of the fluid. Geesh. Feel like I'm 2 years old. I'm staying inside mostly except to take Brendon out. Figure the heat and humidity prolly doesn't do it any good. On a high extended dose of steroids to try and get rid of it. Hope it works. Last week I made appointments to have my vehicles serviced, including the motorhome as they were all screaming at me that they needed oil changes.
Yesterday I decided to sanitize the fresh water tank as it has been awhile and it has set since June. The solution had to sit for 12 hours, so I will finish that today. It wasn't too hot when I started yesterday, but by the time I rounded up everything I needed, it was pretty warm. I also couldn't find my toilet seal treatment and I like to use that so I ordered another bottle from Amazon and it will be here today. I'm getting ready for another campout the end of September to St. Augustine with the RV Women and from there I am going to Charlottesville to see my daughter and family. We are going to take a trip out to Kiptopeke, Virginia, once my time in Charlottesville is up. Kiptopeke will require a trip on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, a first for the Silver Fox, but the third for me.
It's still pretty hot here in central Florida. We get rains almost every day and it seems to cool off a bit afterwards. I hope all is well with the FOOF's. Take care.
Dale hope you get your hearing back.
Patty had an episode a few months back where she was dizzy and lost hearing in her one ear a few months ago.
i took her to the emergency room and they totally missed diagnosed her.
We also called and ENT and of course it was almost 2 months before she could see someone. After about 10 days I called the ENT to see if she could get in earlier. The had a cancellation so we got in the next day. The ent said she had a virus that affected the ear and she needed to be treated with in 2 weeks. This was now 4 or 5 weeks after the initial emergency room visit.
i asked the Ent if that was the case why did it take 2 months at the original phone call for an appointment.
he sent her to a specialist to get a steroid injection into the ear drum to see if hearing would return. But he explained because it had been over 4 weeks there was little chance her hearing would come back. So she opted not to get the shot and go with oral steroids. To this day she has lost her hearing completely in that ear.
- Toolguy5Sep 02, 2024Explorer III
Dale glad you are getting hearing back.
Patty did have vertigo as well. When she was in the hospital one DR was treating her for that and the neurologist was treating her for migraines. Even though we told them she had sudden hearing loss.
- ScottiemomSep 02, 2024Nomad
So very sorry about Patty's hearing loss, Dan. Since I had just had Covid, hearing loss associated with it works much like what Patty's did. But I knew I had a problem before I ever went on my trip and had decided to have it checked out when I returned. Looking back, it started with tinnitus a few months ago. After all the flying with my trip, the hearing just got worse. I thought after the Covid treatment things would get better, but they didn't, they got worse. I went to see my primary and I credit her with helping immensely. Here in Lakeland we have a clinic that covers everything and it is associated with the hospital. I saw my primary at 10:30 and she called in 4 prescriptions, then had her gal call the ENT department and they scheduled me a hearing test at NOON! Then scheduled a doctor visit at 1:10. She gave me a thorough ear exam and even scoped my sinuses and called in another prescription for double the normal steroids for twice as long. I had read that this was pretty much the go to for Covid/virus related hearing loss, even though she didn't believe it was related to a virus. But still the best treatment. I have fluid in both ears and one retracted eardrum. She said if the meds don't work, she will schedule a CT scan and then tubes in my ears. Next time I notice a little abnormality in my ear, I will be seeing the ENT immediately. This morning I am finally hearing a little bit in that ear.
I looked up some info on YouTube about helping drain lymphatic fluid from the sinuses and Eustachian tubes to clear up fluid in the ears. Figure a little massaging can't hurt and it seems like I do get some movement of that fluid by doing so. I have been trying to stay inside mostly just because I don't know if heat/humidity is good for it, but I still have managed to get some things done on the motorhome in anticipation of my upcoming trip.
Best wishes to you and Patty.
- ScottiemomSep 02, 2024Nomad
What is rather interesting in my case is that I occasionally suffer from vertigo. But I haven't had any of that with this hearing loss which I find remarkable.