Forum Discussion

bb50's avatar
Jul 04, 2013

2013/14 planning

We are planning our time in Mexico for 2013/14. We've been down three times before with 5th wheel (Tenacatita; Lo de Marcos) but are changing it up this year and coming with our truck camper. Hopefully will be able to travel as far south as Puerto Escondido (or farther) - any words of advice - must sees; stay away froms? Thinking of heading down the west coast and then open from there . . . looking forward to hearing what Mexican travellers have to say. Thx Bev and Arturo (keepers of Kipper)
  • Since you have already done the coast 3 times, and this time coming down in a TC, how about doing the Colonial area of Central Mexico. With the TC, you can go anywhere, and stay in all the RV parks. While you're at it, also visit the cities surrounding Mexico City. Then, if you want, drop down to Oaxaca, and come back up the coast. I'm doing a similar trip this summer, but won't go to Oaxaca, as it is a long haul, and there are many more interesting cities to visit.
  • ¡Prefiero Gratis!

    One seldom discussed issue is that it is so hard to make it all the way down to SCdLC if you stop at all those tempting places along the way. They are difficult to leave.

    The MAJOR issue with the city of Oaxaca is it is way the hell and gone out of the way. Coming or going, it involves a lot of ordinary blah scenery and overnights, unless you backtrack up and back from the coast. Unless you have 180 days to burn and pocket full of pesos for fuel maybe Oaxaca deserves its own trip, with Tehuacan, Puebla, and maybe Toluca and Valle de Bravo as points of interest.
  • Gracias, Carlos - Yo prefiero Corona; Arturo beberá nada! Kipper se queda en casa, pero esperamos poder caminar con Maya y Karma por la mañana (y por supuesto, Sandy). Estoy seguro de que tiene un montón de buenos consejos para nosotros! Una vez más, muchas gracias y nos vemos en diciembre! Bev
  • Arturo Y Bev
    Te esperamos en LDM. Pasa por una cerveza o dos! Hay muchos lugares que puedes ver. Te puedo dar muchos consejos de donde yo creo que puedes ver.

  • While you can spend the day at Tenacatita ... there is no over nighting and no facilities
  • If you are going that far south, don.t miss Oaxaca (city and villages, Monte Alban ruins) and think about going to Chiapas (San Christobal, Tuxla zoo)!