Forum Discussion

dwayneb236's avatar
Feb 04, 2016

41 from South Entrance of Yosemite

Ok my question. I've done a bit of Googling and such but would love to hear from an actual person. We are going to Yosemite mid may. The plan is to go up the east side and then come through the Tioga Pass to Indian Flats campground on 140. We are aware of it's seasonal closers and know it just might not be open when we are travelling.

The question is, how high are the tunnel or tunnels that you have to go through travelling up 41 through the park? I've seen something about 14' high near the center line, This would work for us since we are 12'11". Just curious as to how tight they are and how far over you need to be. There is no other way to get to our camp if we can't go through the pass. The land slide a few years back on 140 cut out coming from south on it. We are way too long.

  • I think we are just going to cancel the Indian Flats reservation and not worry about the pass being open. Just gonna go around the west side.
  • Thanks RV. We're definitely keeping an eye on it. I just made reservations at a KOA in Mariposa in case the pass isn't open. I don't know if I want to chance going through the tunnels with a new fifth wheel. Either campground works for us as long as we are fairly close to Yosemite.
  • With the snow fall this winter, I doubt that Tioga Pass will be open in May. You should plan ahead and keep the 41 entrance as a fall back. I see buses traveling 41 to the Park all the time. The The Tunnel View overlook is on the left as you exit the tunnel. There is generaly room for an RV to park.
  • Thanks ya'll, just curious, I'm sure I'll call but I also thought firsthand experience would be very useful.
  • The last time we went up to Yosemite we saw a 5th wheel coming down with the top portion on one side of the front cap wrecked. It looked to me like he had hit the opening on one of the tunnels. Maybe didn't get over the centerline enough. We had a TT at 10ft tall and had no trouble.
  • You might try calling them and ask. Don't think this is reservation # but it's worth a try.
    (209) 372-0200