Forum Discussion

ADOR's avatar
Apr 25, 2016

4th of July STOP from Ontario, Canada, to Mt. Rushmnore

We are going on a road trip from Las Vegas, NV to Niagara Falls, Canada this summer (June-July).

From Las Vegas, we will be stopping in MD to visit White House, spend couple of days around the area. Then, we will be heading to visit New York, then Niagara Falls (Canada Side, then visit some friend in Ontario Canada. So, heading to east cost has been planned and campground reservations booked.

On the way back to Vegas from Ontario, we would like to stop by Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. We well be leaving Ontario, Canada (July 3rd Sunday). MapQuest is giving us direction heading West via ON-402 West, I-69 South, I-94 West. We would like to drive on the 3rd of July, then set up camp. Stay/Rest on the 4th of July and watch fireworks 4th of July night. Then drive to Mt. Rushmore on the 5th.

Any suggestions on a good place to watch fireworks and stay for 2 night, about 400-450 miles from Ontario, Canada, based on the route MapQuest is giving me?

This is our first time to drive with our RV, crossing to Canada. What suggestions can you give as far as protection while on the road? I know we can legally carry firearm inside the RV (provided we observe and follow the laws of each state we will be crossing, loaded vs. unloaded, etc.). However, I know we cannot cross the border with firearm. What do you folks use for your family protection while on the road, if firearm is NOT allowed?

I am thinking of looking for a gun store/FFL near the border who can legally store my firearm before I cross the border. However, since we will be going to Mt. Rushmore from Ontario, Canada, we will be using a different US entry point.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions on the 4th of July STOP and on the road protection.
  • Can we please not turn this into a thread about the merits or not of having a firearm for whatever reason and stick to the OP's questions?
  • If you are planning on staying in an RV Park in Ontario over the July 1st weekend you had best have reservations now or you will never get in. This is the busiest long weekend of the season in Ontario.
  • You can bring certain guns into Canada but you need to declare them and have the proper paperwork. Check the Canada customs website for requirements.
  • In 13+ years of RVing we have never given our safety a second thought. We always stay in above-average campgrounds and, as seniors, are lights out by 9:30.
    Maybe we have just been lucky although after many years of reading the posts on this Forum I can't remember a post stating that a camper has been attacked by other humans.