Back in my working years I was able to drive my truck and pull my OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer from Virginia to points West on our work trips.
As stated above we would always use the same roads, make the same gas stops, sleep-over nights at the same places. After two or three of these trips the folks along the way would start recognizing you and give you good greetings every time.
I was hard to miss with my high tires and the OFF-ROAD Camper hehe...
I pulled into a gas stop in MS one time early evening and here comes a County Sheriff trooper in right behind me. I'm thinking "ole me what have I done now" haha... Of course out of state VA tags in another state is always prime targets for police...
SO I get out to pump gas and the trooper comes up to ask if he could look over my off-road camper. Told me he had seen me come through the area several times and really liked my off-road road camper for hunting deer etc... I actually raised the roof and pulled the tent beds back some to let him get a good look haha...
We use to park over night at the same hotel parking lot in the rear and would go inside to let them know we were back there. Always got free coffee and conversations from them as well.
Makes traveling fun...
Roy Ken