Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Jan 29, 2016

A heads up on power

On our caravaan, we had damage to some rigs due to bad power. It was a 160 V. I tell people to buy either a surge guard or progressive industries protector. I am going to have to be more specific in future as to what they specifically need to purchase. We had

1) a blown digital clock
2) a blown convertor board
3) a blown satellite receiver PVR

In the first 2 cases they had bought a cheaper device to protect against surges (made by surge guard, which was the casue of the issue, 4 of the rigs had bought a cheaper product also made by surge guard that only protects aginst surges). This does nothing for continuous high or low voltage. In the case of the satellite, they had the protector, but did not use it because it blocked the power (duh, that is what its supposed to do.)

I have ordered a replacement convertor board to be sent to Mexico Mike, and he will re ship it for me. I have the skills & tools to change it out.

In future, our policy witll be to inspect what everybody has at the border to make sure they have the correct type of protection before they cross.

For readers here, it should be a lesson in why you need to protect your rig against bad power. Just putting things like your fridge on gas won't cut it, just being plugged in can blow stuff in your rig even if they are not turned on.