robatthelake wrote:
I ask her because I value the input of others!
Sure I can find My way around every Place on the Planet, there are as You say Maps and Guidebooks. Not to mention Google Earth and Our Faithful GPS!
All that being said none of these resources is as informative as the various opinions expressed by People who have been there recently or who know the various current weather conditions and Routes!
Isn't this the place to exchange useful and informative information?
I thought it was !
Well I understand what you are trying to get at but consider this: Asking this kind of advice from strangers is basically futile. You dont know their experience in driving or their personal prejudices, likes and dislikes. You dont know if they are " 'Fraidy Cats" behind the wheel who look upon every mountain pass as Mount DOOM or if their sense of adventure is driving in INDIA (mine for instance)
The information you may get MAY be good, but the greater chance is it will be biased by someones idea of a bad experience.
As for scenic drives most road atlases denote scenic areas, highways and stretches of highways. And what is scenic to some here might be boring to you.
I think this is what some of the posters were getting at. It's not that your question is wrong or out of's just most likely a total waste of your time because you have nothing to frame the responses in.