Forum Discussion

sonbeau's avatar
Jul 26, 2018

Alternate routes than I90, Abany, NY to Fort Wayne, IN

Hi all, we'll be travelling west to AZ from NH and need alternate routes from Albany to Fort Wayne.Dont want to travel I90 (tolls). After that we plan on picking up 24 to Hannibal and 36 across to Denver. We prefer to avoid major highways and big cities. Open to all suggestions with great appreciation.
  • Just did the same trip using a bit different route 30 days ago to Hannibal and across Missouri on US 36. From Fort Wayne west, we did US 24, I57, and then I72 to Hannibal. Some construction along the way but, made good time and enjoyed the route. Can't speak to routes East of Fort Wayne as we went on north to UP Mich. but I wanted to throw an alternative for part of the way.
  • Take 95 south and then cut across. We take 95 south to rte9 in CT north then 84 west which will take you to 80 if you want
  • Ed C wrote:
    You could take I/88 just past Albany to US/17 which changes to I/86 to I/79 to I/80 to I/71 to I/70.

    I think US17 is finally now called I-86 pretty much all the way from Binghamton west now. I-88 to I-86 to I-90 to I-271 to I-71 to US30 looks reasonable to me and I believe avoids all the tolls except maybe for a bit getting to I-88, depending how one goes. If you take the NY Thruway specifically from I-87 to I-88 or vice-versa there is no toll charged; from other points around Albany one could also use other roads rather than I-90.

    I-88 and I-86 are definitely a little more rural than I-90 through New York. You do have some urban driving in Binghamton but miss out on that near Buffalo, so that part of things is maybe a wash; the other cities that I-90 goes through or near don't really have much in the way of city driving per se on the Thruway.
  • pianotuna wrote:
    You can set google maps to avoid tolls. Just plan the route, then click options and select avoid tolls.
    My issue with Google Maps is that it does not show were *exactly* the toll roads are at via colorization.

    AND ..

    Google Maps is sneaky about "routing" you around tolls. Look where it takes you when you avoid tolls between Charleston, WV and MacArthur, WV.

    Automation is great but human validation always wins.

  • You could take I/88 just past Albany to US/17 which changes to I/86 to I/79 to I/80 to I/71 to I/70.