Forum Discussion

Not_a_Clue's avatar
Aug 08, 2016

Anaheim Ca to Custer SD.

We are headed to the Black Hills of South Dakota some time this month. The route we are looking at is: 15 / 189 / 80 / 789 / 25 / 18.

No time frame, going to take our time.

Does anyone know of any reason that this route will not work?

  • I will echo SDcampowneroperator. And 189 around Salt Lake City is the way to go. We went that way in May and it was an easy drive. The lady at the Rawlins KOA recommended we see the Mormon Hand Cart museum north of town but we decided to leave that for another time. What makes this route so nice is that after you leave the LA basin there is no traffic except going through Vegas after 3pm any weekday. Enjoy the trip.
  • The route I noted was from google maps. I will look at the alternative you suggested. Thanks
  • I recommend US 287 north out of Rawlins, then 220 to Casper, I 25 s to US 18 e to Lusk, Us 85 n to Newcastle, Us 16 e to Custer.
  • Not the route I'd take but I'm not you :) My Google maps doesn't show the 789 going north from the 80, only south???

    What I like to do is Google Map the route first and then check it against my Motor Carrier's Atlas to see if it's 18-wheeler friendly. Plus Google usually gives you a couple of alternative routes plus you can drag the route to customize it.