You mentioned the roads around Indianapolis. May I add that if you're traveling 465 on the East side of Indianapolis, and if you're towing a trailer, you're going to get bucked around like a mad bull in a Mexican Bull fight! If you're not towing, you don't notice it. But when towing it's the most horrible road I've been on in a while.
You mentioned I-70 East of Indianapolis. Here again, from Indianapolis to Ohio is horrible for the same reason. I quite driving this stretch and started taking secondary highways and even county roads. Many county roads are smoother than I-70.
And then when you get close to Richmond ... OH MY GOSH! Just get off I-70 anywhere and take back roads, unless you enjoy having the******literally shook out of you, your camper, and everything you've got! There again, when not towing, you don't notice it.
I-65 South of Indianapolis is horrible also for the same reason. No kidding ... in Indiana, I've started avoiding all interstates ... everywhere when towing. I don't enjoy riding raging bulls bucking and kicking the stuffings out of me!