Since the last half dozen years on both sides of the border, in the west that I am more familiar with, more and more of the campgrounds are being run by concessionaires. Most seem to do a good job, or at least aa good as the government agency that was running the campground. But the price to stay there has often doubled or tripled from what I remember paying in the past. One of the PP's campgrounds up in the Williams Lake country, jumped from something like $14cnd to around $35cnd a night.
Now this got me to conjuring on the subject, as they say down here in the swamp. is whether or not the government agency that was running the campground is still getting the money in their budget to operate the CG? If so and I suspect they are, they now have money to spend on other projects. The agency gets their regular budget amount to operate the campground, plus the fee paid to them by the concessionaire and the per cut of revenues collected by the concessionaire. This would turn a popular campground into a real cash cow for the government agency, with lots of dollars coming in and the concessionaire paying all the outgoing costs. So the taxpayers or that jurisdiction, that use the campground, end up paying twice. or more.
Would be fun to check on the operating budgets of some of the agencies to see if they get to keep the operating money when they turn a campground over to a private concern?