Forum Discussion

happyRVer's avatar
Apr 09, 2015

Best route Santee, CA to Lake Havasu City, AZ

What is the best route to go from Santee to Lake Havasu City? We drive a 37' gas motorhome and tow a car.
I found three routes:
1. I-15 North to I-10 East to AZ-95 North or
2. I-15 North to I-40 East to AZ-95 South or
3. I-8 East to I-95 North
We would like to avoid any steep grades and curves too tight for our rig to get through.
Is one of these routes best or is there another way?
Thank you.
  • The route with the less hills would be I 15 to Temecula I 215 to hwy 74 to Hemet and then hwy 10 to I 10 at Beaumont. That route will keep you out of the Riverside traffic and is a good way to I 10. At Indio you will have about a 8 mile grade all up hill then it will flatten out... only grade to pull, a water stop half way up if you need it....Stay on I 10 into Arizona and at exit 9 take AZ 95 south to LHC. If you can handle the big mountain on I 8 that would be shorter but the way I just added is also a good way with not much pulling.
  • More To See wrote:
    The most relaxing route with minimal traffic would be I8 and 95 - - but you would have a long 6% interstate climb east of El Cajon up past Alpine to Pine Valley and then about 30 miles farther east a winding 10 mile 6% interstate descent down into the desert near El Centro.

    However if you want to avoid 6% interstate grades then obviously don't take I8 and 95. I should also mention that the winding descent down into the desert although a beautiful drive could be intimidating. It is marked as 30 mph max for the big rigs.

    If you should decide to take this route there is a great fuel stop at the Golden Acorn Casino about 40 miles east of El Cajon. (but obviously try and make it to Yuma where fuel would be about a dollar cheaper.)

    This the route I would take....I have been on I8 with the 6% grades to Yuma with my gas problem.
  • The most relaxing route with minimal traffic would be I8 and 95 - - but you would have a long 6% interstate climb east of El Cajon up past Alpine to Pine Valley and then about 30 miles farther east a winding 10 mile 6% interstate descent down into the desert near El Centro.

    However if you want to avoid 6% interstate grades then obviously don't take I8 and 95. I should also mention that the winding descent down into the desert although a beautiful drive could be intimidating. It is marked as 30 mph max for the big rigs.

    If you should decide to take this route there is a great fuel stop at the Golden Acorn Casino about 40 miles east of El Cajon. (but obviously try and make it to Yuma where fuel would be about a dollar cheaper.)