We have used route 14 across the Bighorns three times, all east bound, the latest being last July. Good advice from other posters regarding use of lower gears, especially going down hill. Going down the west side stop at the Shell Falls rest area to cool the brakes and see the falls.
Medicine Wheel is about 25 miles west of Burgess Junction and we visited last year as a bucket list item. Route 14A that far was not difficult at all but the steep, curvy narrow entrance road to the parking area at the Medicine Wheel isn't suitable for towing a long trailer. From the parking lot it was a 1-1/2 mile walk to the Medicine Wheel at nearly 10,000 feet elevation. Even for our old legs it was well worth the effort.
We camped at the Bald Mountain Forest Service campground a mile or so east of the Medicine Wheel, which has been added to our short list of all-time favorite campgrounds.
The five mile gravel road to the
Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite is a few miles west of Shell on route 14. Really nice scenery on the way in and we had a great time exploring the tracksite.