Forum Discussion

americanrascal's avatar
Jun 22, 2015

Blacking out the light???

OK headed back to AK next week. This year we are in our MH and the shower stall next to the bedroom has a skylight that kindly offers light whether we want it or not .

We've been trying to skull out a way to black out the skylight to make sure the BR remains dark during my required beauty recovery and rest hours.

We've been thinking maybe aluminum foil taped to the skylight from below, but not sure it will hold.

Any experiences, recommendations or ideas on turning the switch off on the sun in such situations???

(Cutting the skylight out with a chain saw and nailing surplus plywood over the hole has already been tendered as a suggestion and the DW rejected the suggestion- go figure??
  • Refletix did the job- works great. In fact used it for a bunch of other little projects around the MH. Momma (the DW) got her craft skills out and put it all together with Velcro . Job looks sweet! Thanks for the tips folks! (I was going to use the mig welder to install it in the skylight but she stopped me before I could plug it in)

    PS Grit Dog- leaving for your burg next week from GA to spend some time. Was there last year this time in our TC (hence I know I gotta have it dark to sleep). PLEASE have and save some cool (read cold) weather there!---- and I am bringing some grits for survival if I can smuggle them across the border:)
  • I bought us masks to wear at night. They were comfortable and stayed in place all night.

  • The eye mask is definitely the cheapest and easiest way to go. On our previous Alaska trips, I became so accustomed to using the mask that I now use it all the time.
  • hr0082 wrote:
    The simple solution for me was to use an eye mask. I got so used to it that I now use it at home and have found that I sleep much better. At first you feel silly and might find it to take a short time to get used to having something on you head like that, but it certainly works for me. Coupled with using earplugs, I am in my own little world.

    Burglars dream! Blind and deaf occupant by choice! Haha
    Don't plug your nose. At least you'll be able to smell if there's a fire!! Lol
  • Jack Daniels or Crown Royal both help considerably with the lack of darkness! Or fish til 2am then pass out when it's dark!
  • I just cut Reflectix to friction fit and it pops in and out easily and cuts out most of the light.
  • That silver paper stuff that you cover the windows with to reflect the heat out of the car comes in rolls. We cut to fit it and it keeps out heat and light.