I forgot the name of the other must have book to purchase. I know one is the Milepost but the other one slips my mind. I know it's authored by the Church's but I don't know the title?
I drove with my 21 foot travel trailer, crossing into Canada by Milk River through BC, Yukon and into Alaska this summer. Churches book was very helpful. I also recommend their Pacific Northwest campbook for BC,and Washington.
We are on our way south in BC from our trip and the Milepost was most helpful. Alaska camping by the Church's was secondary for us but still helpful and RV Park reviews to get current opinions on places to stop.
Mike & Terri Church's book 'Alaskan Camping' which includes Canada and the Yukon is the only reference you'll need for public campgrounds, RV parks and great boondocking spots. They lived in Fairbanks and traveled back and forth many times so they know the places to stop. As always, places close every year, so it's hard to keep updated but they are pretty much right on.
The last thing you'll need to purchase is the TourSaver 2/1 Coupon Book (online). One glacier cruise will pay for the book and you'll want to do at least one.
- It's an advertising vehicle, but IMNSHO the Milepost is worth having; - For your interests, the Alaska Atlas (IIRC), the oversize book with lots of maps, might be beneficial. - There is a book entitled "Alaska River Guide" or similar: worthwhile, but much of the info can be found by searching the web for the same title. - 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Alaska; - For general info, the State of Alaska has a variety of info on their website(s) that is beneficial.
You only have to go to Amazon, type in Alaska Chruches, and like magic up pops the Churches Alaska Camping book. Isn't technology great, what did we do without it ? I wouldn't waste my money on any except the Churches book.