I agree totally. With Tequila and Moisheh on this issue! We used to love Beach Camping on the Baja , and in the Nineties We were not alone.
Times have. Changed and although We. Feel very safe travelling in most places in Mexico on Our Own , We no longer stay out on the beaches unless there are several others in Our Group.
As was mentioned earlier the few RV Parks along the North West Coast are relatively. Inexpensive and offer a degree of safety no longer found in boo docking.
About the only place left that We will even consider dry camping is at Chacala ,and even that is in a guarded compound!
Sorry to burst Your Bubble, but don't expect many folks to tell You that boon docking is safe in. Mexico . Even the greatest Stealth Camper ever Tioga and George ..stays in RV parks these days!