Wong incident Moisheh. midnight knock on door. Pitch black. Motorhome occupant turned on the lights. he had purposely parked in an unlit area of the park near the fence. Man with a pistol. Motorhomer flew out the door, tackling the guy and caught a bullet for his valiant defense. Caused a sensation. Mexico tourism paid for his flight home. This is a well documented incident.
The convenience store bruha happened a few years after that. All, in downtown Mazatlan in or at the border of RV parks. Welcome to reality. Not nice seeing a cop ambushed and killed.
Intentionally Isolate yourself and your risk goes up dramatically. Mexican eyes and ears are far better than a stranger in a strange land fellow RV'ers eyes and ears. I feel safer camping near a small house than I would within a group of four rigs in an isolated spot. My family and friends shake their head when I tell them of the odd idiosyncrasies and beliefs that circulate in the north of the border RV community. At the same time gringos are snoring, Mexicans will jump out of bed and go see why their perro is going "Gwao gwao"